In several of our more remote areas families will set a large piece of cloth on the dirt street in front of their little shack or an old fence and place their items to sell on the cloth or hang on the fence. Simply a curiosity to the passing Gringo ... but hardly a "garage sale".
But the truth?
What's really going on in many of these ground level one day "stores" would break your heart. Families, desperate for money, are selling anything they have, to get some pesos. Of course a few worthless items will be there but on that same cloth may be their little propane stove and gas bottle ... it's up for sale too. Reasoning? We need the cash and we can cook outside. On that same cloth may be children's clothing; their own children's clothing. Often a cup or maybe two chipped plates. Sometimes the little kids will place their smaller cloth on the ground too, placing several of their old toys up for sale. Today the poor will do almost anything for a little cash. Food, water and school are the priorities.