Wednesday, December 29, 2010


NOTE: This is an update to the previous post, WHAT ONCE WAS, AND IS NO MORE

More rain! The ashes, wet and cold, are all that's left of the home that once was. The dog continues sleeping near the ashes ... waiting. Little Alex cried because he couldn't get his sister out; she was strapped into a car seat and was too heavy to drag out. Abigail cried too, because she would have no Christmas.

And still it rains.

Last Christmas there was a fire too, taking the lives of all three children. We had no opportunity to give them a Christmas; maybe that's why we put so much effort into giving little Alex and his sister a big Christmas.

Inside Alex and Abigail the wounds aren't yet healed ... but for a few hours we saw them forget that tragic night.

Toys, smiles and even laughter: It was Grandma's little house and everyone was there.

Grandma's house is full; a welcome shelter from the wind and rain outside. Getting to and from that house is a slippery struggle in mud three inches deep.

When the rain lets up and our income allows it; we'll be starting on the building.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It was another Christmastime fire. Saturday night. All that remains now is a cold, wet miscellaneous patch of ashes over a cement floor ... and a heart broken family.

Hours before, it was a little building with a family of five, now it's a family of four; little two year old Yanely is missing; missing forever ... a little cross and flowers mark where she was found.

That rainy night, Mom was at work, father left to get some milk for hungry Yanely. A fire started; seven year old Alex did his best to save his sister Yanely but by then it was too hot! He, and his four year old sister Abigail, made it out in time ... watching as their sister burn to death.

Spectrum Ministries will be there to rebuild the building, bring blankets, beds, clothing and refurbish as best we can.

Tomorrow we'll give Christmas gifts for little Alex and Abigail ... but we can never replace cute Yanely

"Felez Navadad" Joyful Christmas? I don't think so. Better said perhaps; A Happier New Year.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Here's a Christmas exercise you might want to try in your home. Quietly take baby Jesus out of your Nativity Scene and see how long it is before someone recognizes that Jesus is missing.

Might be quite some time.

Just an example of what's happening all over the world this time of year.

We've drummed Jesus out of the picture! Rat-a-tat! Rata-tat-tat-tat!

Joseph and Mary sit there quietly looking at an empty manger. The wise men still hold their gifts. The animals are milling around while the angel flutters above. All is calm and all is right.

The songs, the color and the food along with family fellowship carries the Christmas celebration doesn't it,

Is Jesus really that important to Christmas?

How many years has the real Jesus been missing from your Christmas and mine?

Yesterday at the orphanage I dared to take baby Jesus out of his manger and tenderly look at him, then I turned Him over, only to discover that ... surprise! Baby Jesus was made in China! How discouraging! I never realized that Jesus was plastic and made by a Chinese engineer somewhere in Hong Kong ... You see ... I always thought Jesus, the supreme man, was created by the supreme Creator, called to pay the supreme price resulting in salvation for us all. What a gift!!!

Fortunately to many of us, Christmas remains as His day, not ours. He gets the focus as He should. He gets the gifts. Above all He's not Chinese plastic but the living King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I was in my car tonight waiting to turn right at the corner; ready to merge onto the busy boulevard. I looked to my left, then to my right and to my left again; judging the speed and space of the oncoming traffic. Then again to my left and quickly made my right-turn. As I was turning, I glanced to my right and saw this man standing on the edge of the corner. I swear I didn't see him. I could have hit him he was so close. I continued on down the road re-thinking the incident.

It's funny what a glance can tell you.

Here was a tall slender man in baggy clothing with disheveled hair staring straight ahead.

A person of the street ... quietly playing out the pain of his consequences.

One of the many invisible people; people you don't look at, you look through. This man, like thousands of others, was lost; alone; unloved. A man who's lost his very being. He's lost his direction, his dignity, even his manhood.

Living, yet dead from the inside out.

I wondered how God saw him ... and then I wondered how God saw me.

But for what reason do I, as a Christian, exist, but to meet the man on the corner.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I felt a persistent tapping on my leg and I looked down to see this little girl with a wide smile looking up at me. A shy smile of expectation! She held up a little wad of toilet tissue, "Here Brother Von!" ... I took this little tissue package and carefully opened it up; just as I expected, it was a little tooth. Her tooth. She eagerly pointed to the empty spot in her smile and held out her hand.

You see in Mexico they don't have a "Tooth Fairy" ... they have a Tooth Mouse, and this rather poor Tooth Mouse is pretty stingy and a bit irresponsible! So they have learned to look to von for compassion. A rather tall old Tooth Mouse with glasses.

Years and years, and years ... and yes, years ago, I decided to give a little Mexican kid a dollar for their tooth. Actually, if I would have kept all of the teeth I've gained through the years, I would easily have a five gallon drum full of kids teeth. Often the child will wait, saving their tooth, for three or four weeks before seeing me again ... but there it is; their little tooth and a proud expectant smile.

I wonder why they think I want their tooth?? Gratitude? Seldom; it's just a dental exchange. Better yet, it's a dollar!

As money in Tijuana gets more difficult to find, I've seen some changes come in this "Von" tradition. For one thing more kids seem to be losing their teeth? On occasions kids are taking teeth from their buddies mouth. (On the spot cash!) I draw the limits at bloody teeth.

I've had kids try to pass off realistic stones; even dog's teeth from a well dead dog three blocks down the street.

The kids in their poverty get very creative!

I've spent years learning to be alert and discerning in giving of any kind! (The Tooth Mouse insists they have to point to where the missing tooth came from.)

The latest scam, is getting a molar, chipping it in half and trying to pass it off as two teeth.

Observation: poverty eventually trickles down to the small kids, the "Tooth Mouse" ... and Brother Von.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


At the orphanage last Tuesday I heard quite a commotion so I walked over and opened the door to the big room. Little Raul's birthday party was in full swing. He was six now and his buddies were giving him a full on party except a little short on decorations. The dozen or so who were throwing this party had it complete with colorful balloons bouncing around everywhere. Not an adult was in sight, this was kids to a kid thing. I'm sure the singing of Happy Birthday could be heard for blocks. Then they all gathered on one end of a big couch and gave little Raul presents.

I saw two of them; briefly.

It seemed they had collected some of their own toys and wrapped them for the occasion. I don't know if you have ever seen presents wrapped by boys nine to eleven with whatever paper they could find ... Functional, unique, adequate. That about covers it.

Oh yes, they were wrapped with love.

Little kids, on their own making a party for another younger little kid, now that's rare.

Raul was in his glory opening his little secondhand gifts as quickly as possible . The first was a slinky with sort of a broken back. I couldn't quite see the other gift in a small box, but Raul was one little happy boy.

I can't say I was invited to the party, but I sure enjoyed it.

There was something good, clean and loving about it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Ah, The First Church of Laodicea. This was Charlie Brown's church. This is where the politically correct gathered each week. A congregation of "saltless" Believers and non-believers alike. A beautiful Church, a wealthy Church and a comfortable Church with a comfortable message that would never offend anyone. Indeed the compromising Christian would feel at home.

The Laodicean Believers were not really HOT yet not really COLD either ... but, well ... comfortably neither. Contentedly living in the neither world seeking the best of both the world, and God. Being good but not necessarily godly A church with the comfortable temperature of tepid ... a truly lukewarm fellowship.

The Lord had it correct as He judged His Church of Laodicea. A Church that was there specifically to change the culture, was gradually embracing the culture.

Politically correct.

He used the term "luke warm." Not hot, not cold, but the temperature of flesh! The temperature of flesh. Tepid.

Because you are "lukewarm," I will spit or spew you out of my mouth. More correctly, "I will vomit you out of my mouth!"

Vomit too is flesh temperature.

We cannot do in the flesh what God wants done in the Spirit. When will we learn this?

Caution: Years later the Laodicean Church began to multiply, changed it's name and spread all over the world ... the Laodicean Church has moved into our neighborhoods; it too has a steeple and a cross.

Be sure and check the temperature of your Church.

Remember, with God, Hot is healthy! (Rev.3:16)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The trip across the lake was a short one and the disciples wanted to give Jesus a break so they "took Him along" in their boat. Suddenly the wind changed, a big storm hit! The little boat was taking on water.

Where are the bail buckets? They tried their best but it wasn't enough. More water coming in.

Meanwhile the Lord, was quietly asleep in the boat.

Lets not bother the teacher, He's tired; let Him rest. Keep on bailing or we'll go down! They soon found that the solution wasn't going to be bailing it was going to be God.

Indeed this is the night God almost died by drowning!

But for the quick thinking of someone in the crew all would have been lost!

When all else fails call on God!

As a result was one of the shortest and most meaningful prayers ever uttered!

"Lord save us ..." or we're all going down!

Too many of us, like those in the boat, have a God that has shrunk through the years to the size of the last resort ... A rather distant last resort God. When we're about to go under, then we cross our fingers and cry out!

"Lord save us!"

We've fallen for Benjamin Franklin's observation: God helps those who help themselves." Man's thinking exactly ... however for some reason God did not help them bail.

Sorry Benjamin, your statement is flawed.

Of the many lessons we can learn from this blustery venture, two stand out as primary;

Lesson one: Check the size of your God before you leave the shore! Lesson two: Never "take Jesus along" ... Follow Him!

My God is the Lord that stood facing the storm, and commanded the storm to stop! ... and it did. ~ Matthew: 8:25

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I was driving down the freeway near our bay and I passed a nice car hauling a good-looking boat and I wondered if the car or the boat was paid for. Not my business of course, but I was just wondering. Credit is a wonderful thing.

Then for some reason I thought about the taxes. I know there were taxes on the boat purchase, the car purchase and the trailer purchase and then a hefty license fee for the car, trailer and boat. On the other side of the freeway I was passing rows of nice homes, each one paying a hefty property tax to the city. All of the cars and trucks on the freeway were running on fuel which we bought costing mostly taxes. Ever notice the taxes on your cable TV or the taxes on your phone bill? In fact everything I looked at or had at home had one or more taxes attached to it's purchase, function and maintenance. Then of course there is the big bite, Federal and State income tax. (We all know April 15 and IRS!)

I'm tired of taxes. Are you?

I was reminded of a hike I took in the jungles of India some years ago, and found I had leeches on my legs. Now I'm from San Diego and had never even seen a leech. They started so tiny that I didn't even feel them attaching themselves to my leg. As leeches do, they were looking for blood. They were sucking my blood; my life out of me ... little by little. And they were growing, how fast they grow!

I'm back living in San Diego, California ... USA and my life is being sucked from me by, quite literally a million little taxes and a few big ones.

Our elected leaders are quite literally leeches. "We need more revenue, where can we put another small tax? Just another half-cent will bring in millions." Just another little leech.

Proverbs 30:15 God has it right on! The leeches cry more! More! There is never enough! They never look at themselves and their bloated lives.

In a bureaucracy there are no mirrors.

Have you noticed; it's always our fault, we're not giving enough.

In the last ten years we've seen disproportional growth in the City, State and Federal bureaucracies, still the leeches cry out for more. Every bureaucracy is similar to a leech in two ways, (1) it sucks life from it's host and (2) it grows ... every leech grows.

Don't get me wrong.

Small government is necessary, and realistic bureaucracies have their place, but when they grow and grow, way beyond their purpose, they actually become the leeches they are.

What we did with our leeches that hot humid night, was simply scrape them off ... painful, leaving our legs bleeding, but soon to heal.

Simple solution to our growing government ... scrape off a third of the leeches and put the other two-thirds to work!

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Church a container of salt or a generator of salt? Good question. The Church started as a generator of salt and it's calling is to generate salt but the salt was never to be captured by a container ... worse yet, captured by IT'S own container!

Salt is what a Christian is to become; it's a God produced condition meant to be shared in the world! A God thing!

The Church has missed half of it's Divine calling by attracting and containing it's salt within it's beautiful container.

Isn't it true that many "containers" compete with each other to attract the most salt?

Is it actually true that many churches own themselves and run themselves? God forbid!

Is that the real calling of the Church; to build a container and fill it with salt?

I think not!

When most of us think of salt, we think of shaker! The two words seem meant to be together. The dictionary puts them as one. "Saltshaker." Saltshaker speaks both of salt and of action.

Both disturbing and distributing the salt within by turning it upside down.

Indeed the Church should have fellowship, worship and be educated; but always educated beyond content. The Church needs preachers that are shook-up! We need preachers that preach a shook-up message simply because they, themselves, are shook-up!

The messages would excite and we would become excited!

The saints would once again "glow".

What the world desperately needs from God, is a good shaking of the saints!

Come on, lets sing it together!

"Shook-up, shook-out and shook-all-over!"

Now, for God's sake! ... lets get out and be what we are where we are. (Matt.5:13)

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


At our southern border the Government continues playing the expensive game of "cops 'n robbers".

It's a game, an expensive game ... but nothing more.

When we were kids we would play the same game, we'd run around chasing and shooting at each other; bang, bang you're dead. "I got you!" "No you didn't!" "Yes I did!"

Boy fun!

But our childish games never took a life or cost a cent!

A child's game is one thing, this expensive border game, quite another; the fact that we are the ones paying for this sideshow as well as the unwitting clowns that perform it ... is simply unacceptable. Billions of dollars are just too much for such an unnecessary game. The key word here is "GAME."

An expensive adult game authored by political buffoons and played out by well paid overweight agents!

My little kids in Mexico had the game down pat. They called it Migra (Immigrations) The idea was to run from Mexico across the border to the Jack-In-The-Box in San Isidro, grab a hamburger and return without getting caught. These fast little rabbits were chased by the best and fattest, but seldom caught.

The kids loved the game. Those unfortunate few that were caught were held for an hour or so and returned to Tijuana. "You're caught!" "No I'm not!"

The big question is when are we going to get serious? The second, even more important question is with whom are we going to get serious. Serious is serious! Bang. Bang; you're really dead ... serious!

Meanwhile; send in the rabbits! (For the clowns to play with!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I've taught and directed Sunday School's in the USA for many years. I liked the teaching end. Give me a class of seventh and eighth grad boys. I like the challenge! Most of these mid school guys are not coming to the class because they want to know about the Bible or Jesus. Get Real!

Kids come for a variety of reasons. Some come with their parents, others that may have discovered girls, and there are sort of girls to see and meet. Meeting with a small group of classroom boy friends. Social activities and food are a big draw. And some actually like the teacher.

My class of guys was always full, I always had a lot of weekday activity and outings.

I had such a special Sunday School class that Christian Education Directors and College educated Youth Workers would pop in to see how I did it.

The door opened up and none of my kids gave our visitors a second look, they were too busy checking the Scriptures to check my message. It did look good! And they were impressed.

You see, that week I was having a contest, with the winners getting a free frosty.

At the start of the lesson I reminded the class that as I taught the lesson I was going to tell a big fat lie, and that they actually would believe it. If they caught me, it was a free frosty.

I remember that day I taught about Jonah and how he ran from God's call. Most of my kids never caught on, when, in that story emphasized the miracle of Jonah swallowing the whale and that many never believe that miracle ... Can God do anything? I had them raise their hands. I was so convincing that morning that only three caught the lie and were rewarded!

My class had no idea what I was going to teach next week. But they were there to listen, I was into tricks and object lessons, whatever worked to sell a concept.

I remembered a big shot coming in from Chicago to evaluate our West Coast Sunday School of around 400, which was good for a small church of 300. He had a briefcase and a small black hat.

Alas, we got a very poor evaluation!

"In fact he said to me" I don't know were these kids are coming from, but I do know you're doing it all wrong.

I may have done it wrong ... but what a thrill it is visit many of these kids, now adults, that I used to teach in Sunday School as kids who became missionaries in tribes in Africa, Indonesia, Philippines, and countries in South America.

I have some of the weirdest grandchildren.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


At over eighty years of age why is my intestinal fortitude being questioned?

I fought in the war. I'm not a politically correct person. I'm known as a rebel ... A jungle, Indiana Jones!

People know I have guts!

Oh! "INTESTINAL" fortitude ... literally! My own private guts!

My doctor says at my age my intestines need checking!

Now what's wrong with my innermost plumbing? I don't know. Nothing seems wrong BUT my doctor says he wants to start at my southern end and roam up into and around my innermost plumbing checking things like leaks and connections, whatever.

Oh Joy! This procedure will be video taped in full color! Is nothing sacred? The cost ... oh the co$t! Not just dollars, but a sacrifice of 24 hours of real fasting, enemas, pills, liquids and of course running back and forth to my bathroom spending much of that time perched on top of the white-throne. My internal plumbing must be really, really clean!

Frankly I don't like the idea, I really don't like it ... nothing personal of course.

BUT ... I just didn't have the guts to say NO!

Well, my procedure is over now. Clean, clear and no red-flags ... you see there was really no reason to have this invasion of privacy.

However even in something like this there are rewards!

Would you believe, along with my bill I have seven beautiful full color prints of my intestines ... suitable for framing.

Merry Christmas, I got my presents early!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


At present we have a Government that blatantly rewards the stupid, the lazy, the loser and the selfish scammers of society; including the millions that simply feel entitled! The Government, in the name of compassion, takes from the wealthy minority and gives a little to the poor minority. In the middle somewhere there's just a little corruption.

Money given in the name of compassion to the end of political influence. Something smells here.

Are greed and cheating limited to the wealthy? Of course not! The poor, as a group, contain as large a percentage of greedy scammers as the rich. Greed is endemic to man at all stages of life.

The rich as a whole are simply more educated, willing risk takers, harder working and jump through every legal loop-hole they can find. They win!

Are the rich compassionate? No. Are the poor, as a whole, compassionate? No. Is a greedy man compassionate? No.

The very vocal leaders of minorities are a great example of selfish "hypocritical" greed. Greed to the end of control and political power. Anyone watching and listening to Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, or Jessie Jackson can readily see their arrogance ... and agenda!

It's puzzling to me that the poor seem to go wild over their rhetoric ... yet are blind to their agenda ... extended slavery, indeed an addiction.

The Rev's cleverly keep their people kneeling down and permanently enslaved to their "perceived" status. (Key word here is, "perceived".)

The Rev's say we represent you, we speak for you; the permanently downtrodden and poor.

Note their dialogue never has suggested a solution, and at present contains no solution.

Give us money and an apology, that will do it ... for now.

Notice this trinity of Reverends, godly men that they are, live like millionaires on the backs of their poor.

That just isn't right.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Even if I weren't a Believer, even if I weren't a Biblical Christian, even if I didn't believe in a God ... I would see the value of "the Judeo-Christian religion" in a society.

An Atheist, that's different; according to God's Word an Atheist is a fool; we can't expect an Atheist to see any value in a religion of any sort; especially one that brings him to account before a living God. He believes in man.

Take an honest and close look at the "Judeo-Christian" religion ... true Christians have, and cherish, an inner ethic. An internal, right and wrong. An inner responsibility to answer to a God who sees all, knows all and will ultimately judge all. Judeo-Christianity is taught by parents to their children and reinforced by example.

We're talking here of a past society that had a deep inner ethic and believed in personal responsibility (sounds like the original America we were so proud of).

A people that holds and practices this Judeo-Christian ethic; cheerfully obeys the law from inside out, resulting in a happy and prosperous society.

Why are we trying to kill the Judeo-Christian religion that was our heritage?

Let's move to the America of today.

Our contemporary society of today is no longer Judeo-Christian. Today we have become reliant on legislators to both create and enforce our ethics; demanding bigger and better trained and equipped cops to become the solution. Politicians create our ethics and cops enforce our ethics ... while Incarceration contains the growing human debris. Lets be honest, today we obey the law (1) if there is policeman around or (2) there is a camera somewhere or (3) we may get caught.

Contemporary man simply has no "God"; consequently no inner ethic. Indeed we're free to do what seems right in our own eyes.

Hard as man might try, he can't change the "heart" of man; only God can do that and now we're back to ... Judeo-Christianity.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Al Potapoff sent me this article. I don't know who wrote it, but it's great!

Granny, 88, still drives her own car. She writes:

"Dear ones: The other day I went over to our local Christian Book Store and saw a "Honk, if you love Jesus" bumper sticker. I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting.

So I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper. Boy, am I glad I did; you can't imagine what an uplifting experience followed.

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about how good life is, and I didn't notice the light had changed. While I was sitting there, the guy behind me started honking like crazy, and then he leaned out of his window and screamed "For the love of God! Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!!"

What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!

I found that lots of people love Jesus! Everyone started honking. I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love.

I saw another guy waving only his middle finger stuck up in the air.

I asked my grandson what that meant. He said it was probably a good luck sign or something.

Well, I didn't want to appear selfish, so I leaned out the window and gave him the good luck sign right back!

A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and started walking toward me. They may have wanted to pray or ask what Church I attended, but this is where I noticed the light had changed.

So, grinning, I waved to all my brothers and sisters, and drove on. I noticed that I was the only car that got through the intersection before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared. So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all the good luck sign one last time as I drove away. Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!"

Your loving Granny.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


I remember as a new recruit we were learning to march. We were commanded to face left and one recruit faced right. A big military No. No. The sergeant pulled him from the ranks and asked him if he knew his right foot from his left. The Recruit stood there silent. Then the Sergeant raised his big boot and slammed it down hard on the recruit's left foot. “Don't forget; that's your left, your other boot is your right! Do you understand?” “Yes Sir!” and he hobbled back in line. Now he knew his left from his right.

The confusion of Left and Right continues on in politics.

The Conservatives verses the Progressives, and to make it simple it's the Right or Conservatives verses the Left or Progressives which seems only right, or maybe left as you may see it.

Then there is Reverend Wright who's Left as the Right sees him; Wright is not Right at all but rather Left ... of course those of the Right believe Wright is wrong! A simple case of when right is wrong. Is wrong right? I don't think so.

It can get rather confusing.

Even though I lean Right I live on the Left Coast, which makes me at odds with the rest of liberal California. Being Right makes me stand out among the Left.

But where is my heart? ... rather embarrassing.

Truthfully it's on the left. Anatomically that is. On the left yes, but not with the Left, if you know what I mean.

And then there are the Independents, who don't know their Right from their Left!

Time for the D.I. to stomp on their Right foot.

Monday, October 04, 2010


We as Christians have to come to the understanding that it's impossible to become saved until we recognize we need to be saved; then, in fact, we become "saveable." Until that time, all attempts to save us meet with resistance.

We are not "saveable."

Take this as an example: A great swimmer decides he will swim from San Diego to Hawaii. A great challenge; a great fete, but actually impossible! With that irrational dream in mind, this great swimmer starts his swim with a confident smile.

The fact is, that at one point in his journey from San Diego to Hawaii he will need to be saved from drowning. But he won't be "saveable" until the sharks are circling; he is hopelessly fatigued and he recognizes he is going to drown. Then, and then only, he will accept someone or something to save him because he will want to be saved ... he will need to be saved.

He will cry out ... save me!!

When it comes to needing a Savior, man finds himself in a similar situation. Man isn't really "saveable" until he realizes he is a spiritual being with an eternal end. Until he knows he's done, doomed and hopelessly lost.

He then will accept a savior because he has come to realize he needs a savior.

A sincere man's effort to get another "saved" is commendable but futile.

Far better to pray.

It's God's Holy Spirit that makes a man "saveable."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

RETREAT? I think today's Church has done enough retreating. Retreats, Retreats and more Retreats! Isn't it time the Church does some advancing? T

I think today's Church has done enough retreating.

Retreats, Retreats and more Retreats! Isn't it time the Church does some advancing?

The way I look at it, retreats were created by Jesus to pull aside, regroup, and motivate His disciples who were physically tired and spiritually exhausted from 24/7 serving. Honestly now, Is the average American Christian today really tired and exhausted because of they're working for God 24/7 ?

I think not!

Today's Church retreats should be better named. Rename them, maybe, R&R (Rest and relaxation.) or R&M (Reorientation and Motivation) or FD (Fellowship Day!)

But retreat? Come on!

To a soldier, retreat means only one thing ... and it isn't advance.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Back then, I mean way back then; my sister and I used to save our pennies, nickels and dimes in our little piggy banks. (As Gentiles I guess piggy banks were O.K; the Jews don't have piggy banks. They just aren't Kosher!)

How often I would take my nickel and dime to "Woolworth's Five & Dime". You could buy some neat stuff for a dime or even five cents. Everything us poor boy's wanted but couldn't afford. I remember wiping my little eyes across the counter scanning all the good stuff!

Everything in Woolworth's was "made in Japan" ... or "Made in USA!"

In a matter of years it seems that Woolworth's has morphed into today's popular 99-cent store! (Pardon me while I search for the 'cent' key on my keyboard! Dang! It's not here anymore!) The 99-cent store; one of China's greatest contributions to America; a big store where you could buy a variety of colorful stuff for under a dollar. Wow!

Not can but could ... note past tense.

I've noticed a subtle change creep in to the 99-cent stores. Have you noticed it too? They've added two words! ... "and UP!"

99-cents and up! (read that small print.)

Those paper dollars again ... floating up, just beyond our grasp!

I can't help but wonder how long It's going to be before we no longer find the $ sign on our keyboards?

Oh! And how long will it be before we have "99-Dollar" stores. Everything in the whole store for under a hundred dollars?

I think they call it inflation!

Don't laugh, it could happen.

China, keep up the good work; we'd be dead without you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Some have been confused when I use the term 'the deserving poor'. I'm not putting them down, I'm simply calling it what it is; poverty that's deserved. Poverty that's a consequence of a line of bad decisions.

It's true, we work with the 'deserving poor'!

Naturally some of Jesus doctrine on giving to the poor would have a Jewish spin on it. I think what our Lord pushed was helping the poor including the 'deserving poor'. Examples: The leper, the blind, the cripple, the orphaned, the widowed ... those who had little or no part in they're plight. These poor were not responsible for their situation. Those I would call the 'un-deserving' of their plight ... the 'un-deserving' poor.

However another perspective surfaces in Matt 25 where Jesus does address the 'deserving' poor. 'Visiting those in prison'. Grace appears for the sinners ... those of us who are 'deserving' of our plight.

The Believer's love or compassion must never become affected by 'hair-splitting' legality! The Bible gives no list of do's or don'ts when it comes to helping the poor. A legal doctrine as to how, who, when, and where would simply rule out Grace! Of course we must at times make a judgment call, but always with the honest of motives ... always with the bottom line of grace.

The grace we received, we return to others.

I personally help both the 'deserving poor'; the beggar, the addict, and the 'undeserving poor;' the orphan, the widow, and I try to free myself of a judgmental attitude.

As to what I call the 'deserving' poor; I would define them as those who are like most of the poor Spectrum works with; people of poor judgment who are living out their own consequences. Most of these 'deserving poor' are where they are because they have made bad decisions; many are lazy and/or addicted to drugs. Thousands captured and content with their poverty-sub-culture and confirmed by the many well meaning American groups giving them food and clothing.

There is no way we can turn our hearts from the innocent children born into this kind of 'sub-culture'. Indeed they are 'un-deserving poor' but quietly learning the lifestyle of poverty.

In Mexico there is an all too common saying "what I don't see doesn't exist." Even as Christians many of us have the same philosophy as we turn our eyes away from the ugly and uncomfortable truth.

The big question for us as true Christians ... does grace discriminate? The answer is simply no. The way I read it; to God we're all poor, wretched, blind sinners awaiting condemnation.

Enter, God's grace.

How I relate to the poor around me says something about my Christian maturity. If I'm eager to discriminate between the 'deserving poor' and 'un-deserving' poor! It sounds a bit like the bigot Lawyer asking Jesus ... "and who is my neighbor?" The motive behind that question was so clear!

Many who love to argue the issue never give a cent to charity anyway.

It's true that as Christians we must make good and responsible decisions when we are faced with helping the poor, but our response to the need must be the result of a clean and godly motive. Grace and wisdom combine to give a proper response.

I hope to go through life with a godly balance in meeting the needs of all poor, the deserving; the un-deserving alike, and when I err, and err I will ... may I err on the side of grace.

My prayer: God, release my grip on the money you give me so it will do the good it was intended to do.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


One of the first things I do when I get to Kauai is to visit the Grand Hyatt Kauai ... a first class, ten star resort hotel.

As to perfection, this resort must be high on God's list of perfects!

Now this is where I belong!

These are where my kind of people stay and play. I strategically parked about two blocks away. Grabbed my dark glasses and my tall Starbucks latte cup that I keep in the car for just such occasions, and leisurely headed into the lobby of The Grand Hyatt ... carrying my Starbucks cup.

I was dressed like my kind of people dress, cool, yet casual. Understated sophistication; I believe that's the phrase. And, of course, holding my tall Starbucks cup in hand. (I'll have to mention that a tall Starbucks coffee here at the Hyatt costs over $3.00.)

So I fit right in.

I figure I was created a big tuna by God, so why swim with the little sardines? This is my annual gate to Tuna Ville! (Or as we would say in Kauai; Ahi Ville.)

I carefully sat down on one of their clean comfortable chairs overlooking the ocean. I sat there with a thoughtful pose ... and thought. That's what big tunas do, they think!

Oh look!

Four beautiful swimming areas. All of these lovely pools were posted with signs listing what you couldn't do and where you couldn't do it. Rule number seven made a lot of sense; "NO electrical appliances in the pools"... no toasters, waffle irons or microwave ovens. In another area the small print was puzzling. No bodily fluids (or solids) in the pools! No spit, no pee, no runny noses or sweat! A severe warning to curb your bodily urges. I noted that this didn't seem to apply to the fish or fowl.

I struck out at the swimming pools as I was sweating ... and beside that I can't swim.

My kind of people, in appropriate swim wear, were lounging around in white chairs that circled the pools. Reading books and holding beverages. Pure leisure!

It was early, and I felt my Starbuck's was in.

Others were looking at the ocean and lounging in chairs under lovely shade trees. Amazing how the landscapers, years ago, planted these shade trees right where the chairs were ... that's planning ahead! That's vision. That's why these guys are paid the big bucks.

And that's why the Hyatt is the Hyatt!

There were warning signs at the ocean too, a list of don'ts to Mother Nature! One I noted was "Don't turn your back on the ocean!" (Been there, done that!)

I visited the smart clothing shops and the little gift shops all the while casually holding my signature Starbuck cup. Later I conversed with their two older parrots ... who seemed to sense I didn't belong there, but fortunately for me they kept their beaks shut.

This day was working out well ... two hours, with my kind of people, and I haven't spent a cent!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


I wonder if self-service started with the old gumball machine? You put your coin in, you turn the knob, you hear your gumball roll down the shoot, you lift the lever, you grab the ball ... and there it is! You've paid for the product and done all the work in getting the dumb gumball.

I remember when there were "service" stations. Remember them?

We all know what a gas station is, but how many of us actually remember way back when gas stations were actually called service stations, and for good reason; they gave us service ... and with a smile.

Today we drive in to the gas station, pump our own gas and off we go. Back then we drove into the service station and were actually greeted by a service person, who filled our tank, checked our oil and washed our windshield. If we needed a map, it was there and it was free. In the service station there was a clean bathroom that didn't require a key to use it. (Oh! And the price was lower too.)

Drive In's were hot too. Service with a smile! It wasn't the experience of facing a big board of selections where you converse with a loudspeaker and drive on through to one of two small bullet proof windows, pay and then collect the goodies! No, Drive In's were where cute girls on skates would come on up to your car, smile, attach a tray and take your order, then skate back with all your goodies! Now THAT was service!

The other day I walked in to a Rite-aid drug store looking for vitamins. I looked and looked for the vitamins and couldn't find them, so I looked for a sales person and couldn't find one. I found the whole store had only three people in it and two of them were at the counter and the third person, myself, continued looking for vitamins. How did AID get into the name? Something wasn't Rite.

Remember that black thing we called a telephone? And along with the telephone there were operators; human operators who talked to you (and spoke your language?). Remember when you called a business and there was someone human who answered? Then came the more efficient do-it-for-us magnetic phone maze. Replacing the human with a more efficient and impersonal magnetic tape that suggests seven selections, "push or say 3"!

How I love sweet synthetic Sally with her cold correctly enunciated words. It's embarrassing to converse with someone who actually isn't.

Even more convenient, log on! Do-it-yourself banking or better said, on-line-banking! And of course passwords, I love passwords!

Do-it-yourself check-out-counters are springing up. No waiting simply do-it-yourself.

Serve yourself! Lost, alone in a world of everything!

Serve yourself; rightly translated; do our work for us.

We love you dear sucker ... er, customer!

Ah! How I love progress!

Thursday, September 02, 2010


Time I've spent working for the Government and the time I've spent working for the private sector. How different.

In my younger years I've had the privilege of working for both our Government and what they call the "private sector." There is a very real difference between the two. Punching time cards is common to both ... from then on the differences become apparent.

Working in my private sector job I was expected to produce. I was expected to work! Things were laid out in man-hours and we had a boss who was there to see that we kept busy. He would walk around rubbing his hands together and singing ... "Go Go, Go Go Go!" On occasion the company brought in "Efficiency experts." They were dressed in a suit and tie and carrying a clip-board, they simply watched us with this question in mind. "How can this man do his job simpler and faster?" Am I making the company profit? If not ... I go! On my private sector job I went home feeling I had earned my pay!

Now on the Government payroll it was different. It was more who you knew than what you did. I was young and inexperienced; I remember working my buns off only to be told that "I was working too fast and, well, we work slower here." (The message? I was showing them up!) I got the point and slowed down. On occasion I remember my boss telling us in so many words, "get lost. Get out of sight ... we have nothing to do today." I would head for the tail cone of one of the airplanes on the assembly line and sit inside, out of view, with the rest of the crew ... that's where I drew my best cartoons. My Government time was boring and political. We eventually got the job done, but at what expense?

I'm one of those who believe that we have way too much Government; City, State and Federal!

My advice for the Government dilemma is very simple; fire a third of all Government workers and put the rest to work!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Now they're an experience. Elevators have one thing they do well and that's elevate, and of course they're good for let-downs too. Up and down, that's what they do and where they go ... but they're free! (If your mood's a little low or you're depressed, jump into the nearest elevator ... and be elevated for free.)

When the elevator doors close on that little room it creates it's own very small environment. A unique and mysterious dynamic. We enter a collection of total strangers crowded together, packed in, with nothing in common but going up ... or coming down.

The room is ever so small and ever so quiet.

What does one do on this short trip. First, the button! A panel of do-it-yourself buttons are there and then of course you push your button for your floor, that is if no one has already pushed it. The ride, like the environment, is totally unnatural. Each person vaguely looking at something, but, of course, no eye contact.

One just doesn't do that!

While I'm on my trip I look at things like the emergency button, or if there are a good number of fat people with me, I look at the plaque that tells me the maximum load in pounds. (On occasion this can be unnerving!) Often I'll count down the floors by their lights; that's another thing one can do on the short trip. Every now and then there's a bit of brief excitement when the doors close on someone that's a tad bit late, that's a highlight.

I actually saw an elevator commercial on TV the other night that just blew my mind.

Camera! Action! The doors close on this elevator full of people and inside is this cheerful young lady that is excitedly telling her fellow travelers that her bloating has stopped and she is no longer constipated.

Now there is a conversation starter.

Next we'll see a muscle bound young man bounce into the elevator and when the doors close he'll cheerfully tell everyone how Viagra has changed his sex life, and how for four hours he ... well, I'll not go there.

Boy, these commercials are convincing! Makes me want to rush out to the nearest Drug Store and buy ... well,

A laxative!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The times I was with my father, I never heard him curse or use foul language; come to think of it, he did use the word bastard on occasion. Bastard? Well, as far as I knew, it was a ... "dirty word". I remember being surprised one day in woodshop when I found a file called a "bastard-file" ... wow! I really didn't know what a bastard was.

You see in my day people married and it was animals that mated.

It's sure changed now ... with more bastards on the horizon.

For years now I've been working with dirty little bastards across the border! Kids on the streets, or running in the barrios, children in the orphanages. Girl bastards, boy bastards, young men and young girls.

Bastards all!

Bastard is such an ugly name for these neat kids. They had nothing to do with how they got here but in time they find out the ugly truth. They are a bastard, not because of what they did, but what was done to them! And in time that bastard feeling cuts right into their heart! Worthless, makes a deep wound.

On occasion, to the boys I know well enough, I'll ask that painful question. "Do you know your father? In a silent answer, the boy often shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head, looking at the floor; avoiding my eyes. The answer is no. On more than one occasion, I've hugged the kid and whispered in his ear, you're my son and I'll be your Papa. The smile I get as he looks up into my eyes is worth more than money can buy.

The return hug, is a long one.

I've found that bonding with a bastard kid isn't hard at all, and love makes a mighty strong glue.

I'm convinced that God loves all the bastards in the world, and that God intends to love them through people who love Him.

I intend to be there for God's little bastards!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The original Church at Antioch was an unusual Church in many ways. It was a very young Church, a Church of Gentiles more than Jews and more importantly a living moving visible body of Believers. A Church as it was made to be. Make no mistake, the term Christian was coined by non-believers, the people of the city of Antioch, as they watched the Believers in action.

The world called visible Believers, Christians! They were Christ-like in their behavior.

The Believers place of meeting wasn't even in the equation.

Indeed the Believers were the visible living Church. The Lord intended it to be that way.

How different the Church today. The Church of today is defined by the world, and Christians alike, as a building. The building with a cross on top!

The where they meet rather, than who they are.

Today Believers do their thing inside a building or facility. The key word here is INSIDE! The key word 2000 years ago was OUTSIDE!

Something to think about!

Today inside the "Church facility" we are "evangelized", "saved", "fed" "baptized," "discipled," "married," and by the Church we are "buried" Key word here is INSIDE!

In some cases there is little difference between the box with the cross on top in the cemetery and the box with the cross on top in the neighborhood! Ouch!

Today the world sees the Church as a large, strong, permanent and visible building in the community. Beautiful but lifeless.

And today, it's the Christians that call themselves Christians; not the world ... it seems Christians are not visible today, only their Church building. And the beauty of Christ is limited to architecture

Where have all the salt-less Christians gone?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


There are buttons of every color, size and shape. Official buttons, buttons with symbol's and of course, common buttons. Buttons are mostly on clothing; fasteners that keep things ... well, together. Oh yes there are still doorbell buttons or buzzers. Press the button and get the chime. Buttons of some kind are found almost everywhere. Shirts, skirts, whatever.

Buttons are an important part of my life. For instance, I'm looking at my TV remote; it's full of buttons, forty-four to be exact. If you have two remotes you've doubled the buttons. Between my computers, printers, radio and remote I live in a wild world of buttons!

Of all the buttons I have, there is one that's my favorite! The little button of peace, the button of control; the button of power!

Ah ... the OFF button. Thank God for the OFF button!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I'll admit I'm "retro". I'm over 80 now and I should be retro. I've lived a life most of you have never known and I've lived in a free country you've never lived in and enjoyed "America the truly beautiful"; it was much different than today's "America the confused."

Back then there were well established boundaries, we knew who we were and where we were. In my day there were absolutes. We knew our history and where we were going. A proud people.

Perhaps a little too proud.

Similar to what the Scriptures say in Proverbs 22:28, America had a legacy of well-defined boundaries that our forefathers established. Good and clear boundaries which gave us a sense of security and a certain context to the living of life.

God and truth brought ethics and morality. Ethics from the inside out!

The establishing of these wise boundaries made us who we are ... or rather, who we were. (Proverbs 22:28, )

Along the line of time we got careless and content and we forgot to heed the warning of God. "Don't let those boundaries be moved!" Maintain them!

The America of confusion, infighting and chaos that we live in today is in part the result of changing and re-arranging those old boundaries. We've let fools have their way!

What audacity!

A load of young, inexperienced and intellectual ideologues have decided to lead us ... decided to re-arrange the old boundaries. They came in under the label of change and change they did!

They are out to change the very foundations of our Country.

It's hard for us old timers to live in the new America when we knew what real America once was.

Pardon me for hungering for retro! I lived in America the beautiful, America the great!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Maybe it's because I've worked with youth for more than a half a century that I notice the growing exodus of American youth to join the radical Muslim cause. To some the attraction of youth to Muslim religion and jihad is a puzzle.

It's no puzzle!

In a purposeless society like ours, we can expect our kids to be attracted to purpose; better said, "a cause." Muslims recruit activist kids and give them a cause they're willing to die for, Key here is "a cause" ... and they're finding them.

Our failure to install healthy "purpose" into our American youth makes them drifting candidates for gangs or Muslim jihad. I predict more and more American males will leave for the Muslim life and war. Looking at a young American Muslim convert, dedicated to the purpose of Jihad ... I think, what a powerful activist Christian he could have become!

However we continue with the living for Christ mantra, while many youth would rather die for Allah! They "have a cause" they believe in.

Today's honey coated purposeless living for Jesus just isn't doing it. Where are the Christian activist willing to die for the Jesus, who died to save them. Where are the Pastors and Youth-workers willing to set the example?

We don't see any on the horizon.

Today we're into sit and listen, watch and applaud. Platform stars and music gigs rule. Hollow entertainment at a time of war.

Where are the youth men with the courage to define our cause and challenge their best kids to grab their Bibles and head into the world sharing our Gospel, even if it means death. Where?

I know by experience that "honey dipped" Christianity doesn't attract the strong activist type. It's the tough talk of reality and a challenge that attracts and sends out the true activist.

How can a weak youth-worker talk tough. Good question!

It's time we throw out this secular "politically correct" mentality, along with the soft Christianity, and level with our kids ... 2000 years ago we were called to a cause, it's about time we get back to what we were created to be and what we were created to do ... and it wasn't fun and games!

Every time an American youth leaves his country to head to the Muslim cause ... the Church and youth-workers have failed.

Friday, July 02, 2010


Having lived in San Diego for sixty-eight years, I have seen it by day, by night, and from every angle; from the shopping malls to the restaurants, through my windshield orderly traffic, and from the air many, many times, however the most impressive view of San Diego I've ever seen was from the hills of Grupo Mexico three miles south of our border. In a slight fog and when the sun is just right, San Diego looks like a heavenly, celestial city in the sky. Maybe it's the dirty, cluttered frame around this awesome sight that makes it so impressive, especially to the Mexican poor who view this city of San Diego day after day.

A paradise so near ... and yet so far away. Spawning impossible dreams.

Contrasting this is the view south from San Diego. The masses of little unkempt buildings and rabbit-trail roads on dry dirty hillsides where the invisible poor live out their lives; barely surviving. A sprawling unkempt city held together with graffiti.

Can we call this living ... or existing? Or do we even care?

Unfortunately the contrast is becoming more apparent. Pressure continues to grow.

To many, but not all, Tijuana is simply a staging area where potential illegals nightly amass to storm the border. To others farther north, it's simply Mexico's problem.

For those of us who work in Tijuana with these poor families, it's a huge field of ministry with countless opportunities. Unfortunately with little or no funds we are limited.

People are people and God sees no fences. People are eternal and they are our treasure. As I read the Bible, God loves the drunk laying on the sidewalk of Zona Norte in his own vomit as He does the educated clean hard working Doctor in his office in San Diego. As a Christian I have to see people the same way.

The unwanted truth is becoming a growing pressure. Tijuana is pretty well bankrupt. At this point the trinity of drugs, prostitution and robbery are holding it together. Employment? There is a high turnover of police, so they continue hiring but ... few factories, no construction, family clans moving in together and pooling their resources ...

And things are not improving!

All of that makes that northern paradise they see every day more inviting then ever.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This morning we arrived about thirty minutes before the school graduation began. Julio, seventeen, was graduating along with his class and I was to be his "padrino." We found three empty plastic chairs and sat down among the parents and friends of the graduating class. I have been to many, many graduations both here in the United States, Mexico and even South America.

Mexican graduations are different!

The set up area was a large rectangle of people. To my right was the long platform where the school dignitaries sat behind a long decorated table. The speakers podium was located to the right of the dignitaries. Across from us the graduating class sat quietly in their school uniforms. To my left, and where I sat were hundreds of parents, relatives and friends.

Graduations in Mexico are radically different from the graduations here in the United States. The impacting difference is pure patriotism. Mexicans are patriots! (That word may not be familiar with some of you; look it up.)

At the beginning of the ceremony all were asked to stand as the bugles and drums signaled the flag presentation. Six marching girls in uniform marched around the open field proudly presenting the flag of Mexico. Then there was the salute to the flag, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. The flag team then paraded back to their original position. This was a big part of the program.

I was actually witnessing something America lost years ago.

After a couple of speeches the graduates were called one by one to accept their diplomas and shake hands with the school dignitaries. Pretty much standard in graduations.

Then a dozen dancers, guys and gals, danced into the center. Mexican music, Mexican kids in costume ... folkloric at it's best. Cute. Colorful. Another dozen patriots.

Make no mistake, Mexicans are patriotic and they bring their patriotism with them. When they come north, they enter the United States, a country with little or no patriotism left. A vacuum they gladly fill.

Many just don't understand this; primarily because they don't know what a patriot is ...

Along that line, the fourth of July is coming; so this afternoon I went into a large store and saw a small assortment of patriotic items. As I was selecting a small American flag, I felt a flush of guilt and bought an even smaller flag. I wished I had my dark glasses on so no one would recognize me. You see I live in progressive California, the "Left Coast" ... where it's dangerous to be seen a patriot.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I'll admit it gives me a good feeling when I walk up on the platform and people applaud, and it's a real rush when hundreds of people give you a standing ovation. I know, I've been there. However deep inside me there is an uncomfortable feeling. Applause. Platform. Status. How does this all fit into the picture of a group of Believers? Does it belong in the Church?

Is it because I'm old, and in those olden days we didn't applaud in Church? It could be simply a glitch in adapting to today's culture. In that day applause was reserved for the secular; For entertainment like the theater, opera or sports.

When I hear applause in the church I sometimes wonder if the congregation is applauding the vessel or the creator of the vessel and it's contents ... or maybe both.

Frankly I'm worried about the secular leaven of celebrity. It's that five foot platform and those who act upon it. The performers we look up to. The platform that hosts our Christian Celebrities. Speaker, preacher, soloist, worship leader in a sense become Celebrities.

In the secular world I had no problem with applauding the performers but somehow I find it hard to applaud a brother in Christ who is simply and honestly sharing his gift. Applaud the man or praise God for his gift?

Or do we know the difference between being entertained or being edified?

Is this a cultural problem, or an indication that little by little the leaven of secular celebrity is becoming normal part of the evangelical church.

Are special speakers and popular musicians a cut above the rest of us? It seems so. In conferences and camps, as a speaker, I was often invited to special occasions where only we Celeb's were invited to fellowship with each other. A special time with us special people ... Christian celebrities.

Are there really Christian celebrities today? You better believe it! Christians that are a cut above the rest. Could there be "status" in the family of God?

Dangerous secular leaven slowly creeps into a lukewarm church.

Fortunately in the future there will come a day when we will all become family; we will all become one, where there will be a celebration with out celebrity.

Next time you applaud, think about it!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Some years ago I was in LaPaz Bolivia holding some Bible studies for Christian English speaking teens and bilingual Bolivians. Most of the kids in the room were Christians. It was a Friday night and I was concluding the series. The large room in which we were gathered was full and most of the kids were seated while some were standing against the wall. I was comfortably seated in an easy chair near the corner of the room.

At the conclusion of my message, I asked the group if there were any questions or comments. One older teen, a Bolivian kid, stood up and slowly looked around the room making eye contact with each person. He was a newcomer I had never seen before ... I thought, "This should be interesting." and it was.

He addressed the room full of Christians in good English. "How many of you believe the garbage this guy's been telling us tonight?" (I knew pretty well where I fit in his opinion.) "Let's see the hands of you guys who believe this stuff." There was a painful silence; everyone dropped their eyes. A few slowly raised their hands about halfway but none looked him in the eye.

I was witnessing the truth about so many professing Christians. This one young enthusiastic Communist was challenging the whole room full of "Christians" ... and not one person countered him.

When I dismissed the group, I went over to the young Communist, shook his hand and said the following. "As you know, you and I differ on our philosophies, but may I commend you on your courage! You have more courage in your little finger than this whole room full of so called Christians."

As I see it, things haven't changed much even in the USA. Where is our example? Where is our distinction? Where is our commitment? Where is our courage?

Maybe we should take some lessons from the Muslims. They have a cause; they are not only willing to live for their god, but they are willing to die for him too!

The Muslims make us Christians look like what we really are ... lukewarm, weak and silent ... so silent!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


A group of about thirty near nude Yanowamö were in the small room listening to me explain, through an interpreter, darkness and light. This is a subject that fascinates them. Yanowamo's, like most tribal people, fear the dark and the prince of darkness. We missionaries teach that our God is a powerful light that illuminates the trail we walk.

It was dark outside and the little gasoline generator next to the building was pumping out enough power to light the room.

I find that Indians like examples and remember them.

To make my point about the power of God's light over Satan's darkness, I asked the people to watch what I was about to do.

I went over to the door of the room, slowly opened it and simply asked the question ... "When I opened the door did the light in the room shine outside or did the darkness come inside?" Several took a look and they all concluded that when I opened the door the light in the room shined outside and the darkness was defeated. Fact experienced!

The lesson was so simple and so powerful!

Light always conquers dark! Light is the result of power and darkness has no power of it's own. Indeed darkness is simply the absence of light.

God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all.

We are people of light, God's light, for God, not Edison, is the author of light. As Matthew says, we not only are people of light and have the light but we are lights! We are here on earth to turn back the darkness.

CHALLENGE: Go, find a dark corner somewhere and shine, baby shine!

14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

~ Matthew 5:14-16 (New International Version)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Last Saturday a little girl at the orphanage with a cute smile offered me a small sucker. A Mexican sucker; they're weird! Salty, sugary and pepper hot! Not the first piece of candy I've been offered and I'm not into candy! But seriously, what does a little kid give to a person who has everything? In their world, as a Gringo, I have everything including a car full of candy. What can they possibly give me?

In the Bible I'm asked to love almighty God with all my mind, heart and soul; but how do I show God love. When God is Spirit, made it all and has it all, what could I possibly give him to show my love?

Interesting thought.

Sunday while waiting to speak to my teens in another orphanage, The kids were watching a blood 'n guts video, I was sitting on a couch with a street teen on either side. One was sleeping, (so much for the blood 'n guts.) As I was sitting there, out of the dark comes this little thirteen year old and sits next to me, then he turned and looked at me and gave me a big hug ... a long hug, an honest hug. I felt his love for me.

Loving God? Hugging won't do, nor will giving God any "thing" do as a gift of love. We love Him in Spirit and in truth. Loving God? ...

How about responding to His gifts?

Yesterday I gave a little ten-year old boy a top! He was literally smiling from ear to ear and jumping up and down ... he took the yellow top, looked at it and then looked up at me and gave me a big "thank you!" and off he ran to get to school. Now that's the way you respond to a gift you really love!

That "thank you" really made my day!

A simple part of loving God is not just obedience, Worship and Praise, but a simple thing like thanking Him regularly for all the little blessings He sends our way. Blessings we often overlook. Thanks, is simply showing an attitude of gratitude ... showing love and appreciation for all He has given us.

Often in my morning prayers, I can spend half an hour just thanking God for blessings He has given me.

Showing God love? ... It isn't hard!

Monday, May 10, 2010


My favorite cow was Daisy and she lived on my uncle's ranch, her wanderings were pretty much limited by a long rope. Within her circular world was a salt-lick; about an 8 inch block of solid salt. When Daisy felt a need of salt, she would come to the block of salt and take a few licks.

In Matthew 5:13 Jesus spoke of salt.

We have a record here of Jesus telling us that we are the salt of the earth. Salt, a uniquely different substance. Salt an essential to life. We are to be a distinctly different people, with a distinctly different purpose, created to spread out and flavor the whole world.

I wonder if He was talking block or granulated? What is the lesson He is trying to give us?

Through the hundreds of years we seem to have created two "salt" philosophies; The granulated Christians and the big block Christians. Those granulated Believers who believe we should be a little piece of Godly salt spreading throughout the world ... then there are the salt-block Christians that believe in becoming a part of the solid block, that will draw those needing our salt to the big white block. Lets be a little creative and put a steeple on our salt-block and call us a church.

It seems the majority of Christians today are content to have the salt of the earth while the other few Christians are happy and content to be the salt of the earth ...

... and isn't that the point?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Working years in the dark recesses of society where the criminal is formed; I've had the dubious privilege of being privy to the birth and creation of criminals. Future social misfits, future social predators. Don't kid yourself, the future hard core criminal begins at a very young age. I've watched the young criminals at play, and studied them as they traveled through puberty and then went on to become adults and later become inmates. I've been able to gain a confidence and a relationship with many even though I don't agree with what their doing. We have many criminals here in Mexico and millions more on the way. A child born into a purposeless and loveless liberty will find his way into crime and destruction. Drugs will make wrong worth the risk. In most cases an absent or dysfunctional father seals the young criminal's direction ... and destiny.

Take little good looking Alex at seven.

I remember, some months ago, at the end of the work day in Pana, we were sitting on a bench in the shower room. Martha had brought in her little four-year-old daughter Juana, pointing out some sores on her legs. I was rubbing some cream on the sores she had shown me. Alex, her seven-year-old son, was standing there watching me.

In casual conversation I asked Martha where her husband worked. At that she threw up her arms and said, "That man! That beast! He's gone ... look at what he's done to me," and she showed me scars on her arms and legs. Then she said to little Alex, "He beats me doesn't he? He gets drunk and hurts me!" Alex looked over at me with a slight smile and hit me, not hard. Then his countenance seemed to change and he hit me again harder. Then, in an uncontrollable rage, he began seriously beating me. His mother started yelling at him to stop, but it did no good. I quickly grabbed his wrists and held them tightly together. Looking in his eyes, I shook him! "Look at me Alex," I said quietly. "Calm down!—Calm down!"—"Calm down." I continued holding him. In about a minute he calmed down.

Little Alex isn't the only boy hating his father, he isn't the only boy who is loaded with a deep, explosive anger. He hates the very person he will grow up to be. Alex hates men because the men that he has seen are angry, worthless drunks who beat their wives, girl friends and kids. Where and when is the next time Alex is going to unload this anger? ... and on whom?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Remember years ago when in GOLD we trusted ... and in the founding of our nation we trusted in Almighty GOD? Now things have changed big time! Now, It's in God we trusted and in valueless paper we trust!

First we went off the gold standard in favor of paper then a little later we went off the GOD standard in favor of physiologists. Since then the consequences of our decisions are becoming apparent ... we are becoming lost in the very complexity we created. Problems are growing everywhere, while solutions continue to elude us. The new wave of paper, plastic, philosophers and physiologists can't seem to put Humpty Dumpty together again. The omelet he created is a stinking mess!

What fools we've been to put our trust in man.

Fortunately there's still some gold around! And fortunately for us there's some God around.

Not all of us have fallen for the secular's synthetic solution.

When things get bad, and things will get bad! When it hits the fan ... and it will hit the fan. The wise will uncover their gold and reveal their God.

Friday, April 09, 2010


Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Martin Luther King, the black trinity. Of these three, in my opinion, only one stands out as an honest champion of the blacks and that was the martyred Martin Luther King. King was one who was for the blacks lifting themselves from their accepted status, and seeing themselves as having as much potential as any other American. Head held high!

Jackson and Sharpton, quickly attaching themselves to King's legacy and are proving themselves cheap fakes making their fortunes off the backs of their own black people.

Two cheap political Reverends content with their stature and competing for power over their black community. Two self appointed political spokesmen for the blacks under them; which they keep chained to their color, history and status.

These two find it quite profitable keeping blacks segregated, disconnected, discontented and enslaved to their past. You will never hear Jackson or Sharpton encourage their people to leave their slavery and history behind and become the people they could be.

Quite a successful strategy!

Keeping blacks diverted from a successful track upward is the goal of these two pundits; their blacks are only to hear what they can't be and will never be. Keep them down and controllable.

Be their savior!

Isn't it interesting to put this in perspective. Look through history at different ethnic groups Like Pollock's, Italians, Irish, that have come to America to make a new life and how they made it. It was tough. Were they persecuted? Of course ... What about the Chinese. Really tortured and persecuted, yet they didn't bitch and complain, they quietly climbed above it. Group after group came over went to school and climbed above it. None of them with the “help” of Jackson or Sharpton

However ... the blacks and Hispanics continue to bitch about their persecution and treatment.

Time for certain cultures to grow up ... and solve their own problems.

I for one, am tired of the constant bitching of blacks ... It's getting old!! ... and I'm tired of being blamed for my great, great grandfather in Germany's involvement in the slavery that existed in early America.

This is so insane!

Have you ever heard anything about the Blacks in Africa that collected and sold their brothers into slavery. Blacks never speak about them. (I wonder why?) Of course not they were black. They're black selling their own, to the blacks that seems O.K. iI's the big bad whites that bought these people that are the problem.

Ahh, good old hypocrisy!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


On this health care thing it seems the tune is love and the lyrics are compassion. From every politician's mouth comes, "for the sake of compassion" ... "for the 30 million not covered by health care." From that point on, the heart wrenching narratives roll. From a closed-door meeting, I bet someone suggests, "lets sell this bill on compassion for the poor! Go for the heart ... compassion will sell it!" And they did.

Is that what sold the bill? Of course!!

I for one am tired of heart wrenching rhetoric. The stories may be true but using them to obligate the masses isn't right.

I don't know if you are like me, but I wonder if there isn't a dirty little secret Obama, Nancy, Harry and their bunch of politicians are holding in their personal histories.

I guess you could call me skeptical.

I for one would like to have each one of them open up their personal lives and show us how much they have personally given of their own time and resources to charity for no motive other than compassion for the poor. How much they personally have sacrificed for the poor. How much (proportionally) of their own money they have given to charity. Show us your history of personal charity.

Are these guys true examples of what they preach?

When it comes to generosity and true concern for the poor it seems they all have a great ability of taking other peoples money and distributing it to the poor ... under their own name and for their own political good!

If what they're doing isn't wrong, why they're doing it is. I think we the people have every right to question the motives of the whole crew, from the top man down!

Controlling and manipulating people for their own political ends, and using our money to do it.

It just isn't right.

Friday, March 19, 2010


It seems that our revered congressmen have morphed back into what they were all the time, a pack of dirty dogs! These sleazy politicians had planned a gang rape all along, they just needed a leader ... and so we were dumb enough to deliver the great leader! While we thought all along that his "Yes we can!" was a call for change in America, we didn't think of it as a change of America! Now we find "Yes we can" takes on a whole new meaning. Yes we can! ... and Sunday, we will!

Roll over America, relax, this won't hurt. America screams no!, No you can't do this!! The pack reply's "Yes we can!" "Yes we can!"

One by one the politicians that are lurking around the sidelines are turning from their morals join the pack, excited about their opportunity to enjoy the big rape!

America, relax, don't fight it? You might as well get used to it, we'll have you on the floor again soon.

The dogs are barking, panting with anticipation! "We want our satisfaction and you're going to give it to us!"

Hold on, the raping won't start until Sunday! When? Sunday.

Where? ... All over America.

Remember folks, this is for your own good.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today as I was leaving the church office, my eyes came across a black and white picture laying on a work desk. I looked again; it was a picture page out of a children's coloring book ... depicting the courageous and cruel story about a man of God. This was a story from the Old Testament showing Daniel in the Lion's den.

A rather scary time for Mr. Daniel!

Way back when I was a kid in Sunday School, well, we weren't so politically correct. The way I recall it Daniel was to be placed into a dark smelly den of hungry lions to be cruelly killed and eaten alive.


But God intervened! Teaching points, faith in God and courage.

In my day our illustrations were so vivid and detailed you could practically smell the den. These pictures were the result of courageous illustrators who dared to illustrated the truth.

I think that's what caught my eye was today's new type of Curriculum; the difference was so obvious.

In this politically correct color-book picture you see chubby young Daniel with a smile, next to this well-fed and relaxed lion with a smile and a mischievous look. Two friends and a den.

No fangs, blood and broken bones. No skin and bones or lions ready to jump on Daniel and turn him into meat. Nice kitty!

I wonder how the other pages of this Old Testament coloring book were illustrated. How did this sensitive illustrator handle David chopping off Goliath's head? Way too bloody to show kids! Lets just follow David as he walks along picking up his rocks. That will be nicer and isn't nice what truth is all about?

On Television and Cable parents get an advance warning, a disclaimer of sorts protecting their little darlings, lest they catch a picture of reality.

It seems truth is not as important as the spin you give it! Keep life ... smiles, and Happy! Happy! Happy!

And the book will sell well.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Do you ever think about sameness? Is it something we want to be, or is it something we just become? Do you ever get tired of "sameness" Even God seems to fight it, everything and each thing He makes, is divinely unique. Not so with man; ... Manufactured in Detroit or 'made in China' building millions of identical parts and products, that's man.

Sameness? Not just our people boxes ... sterile condos and apartment styles; people, like so many penguins, driving their SUV's and filling the Malls with a colorful variety of sameness. It seems everywhere there is social sameness, cosmetic sameness, entertainment sameness creating a fog of human sterility.

We've created a politically correct society where we've been encouraged to become one of millions of brainless and 'opinion-less' lemmings, content to follow the south end of the lemming in front of us, hoping the lemming he's following is going the right direction.

Unfortunately the bottom of the cliff brings us to an abrupt but short lasting reality.

Whether we become the waddling penguin or committed lemming, we're content to be, well, the same as everyone else.

Different could be dangerous.

Funny, within our sameness we dare to try and be unique in a sort of subtle safe way. I have a Nisson like a million others, but mine is white like thousands of others but WOW!!! ... my seat covers, now they are different! And look at my bumper stickers! My suit may look like anyone else's, but WOW! ... look at my tie, and here, check my socks out! Oh Oh, my teeth are a bit crooked, better get to an orthodontist quick; so I can look like everyone else.

Most of us strive to be comfortably common and content to located somewhere in the middle. I guess that's not wrong, it's ... normal.

While some of us just don't fit the common mold; not that we really try to be different, but that we simply are unique and quite comfortable with being that way. A refreshingly different person!

Is it a talent? Is it a gift? Is it genetic?

Many things could be said about my father Wolo; a puppeteer, artist, book writer, actor, entertainer, "Mr. San Francisco," but most of all he was a totally unique person. All that knew him would agree. He looked different, dressed different, thought different, spoke different even had a different name; yet somehow he fit into the society of sameness, and even more, was loved by society. In part because he was uniquely fresh. Indeed my father was different!

On rare occasions I'll pause to study myself, and I have to come out with the same observation ... the same conclusion; I'm a totally unique person like my father. I don't know why; I don't consciously try to be different, but maybe, just maybe, I'm different because my father was Wolo. The one and only, Wolo


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The good thing is that the gangs in La Cruces and Laguna aren't fighting each other anymore ... the bad thing is that the have aligned themselves in a mutual hatred against the police and authority.

More excitement. More danger. In every barrio Feral teens are running in packs!

These kids are out gunned and under equipped but well compensated by knowing their territory and their hatred of the authorities.

Police; better watch your backs ... and your families. Hate is inclusive.

Maybe that's why the police cruse these areas in five police car convoys with their Christmas lights flashing! Makes quite a sight. Makes quite a target too.

Testosterone vs. testosterone! As the kids will say, "it all comes down to balls."

In Laguna one day I remember sitting in my car watching a bunch of teens messing around in their basketball court when the police arrived ... half the kids headed every direction like rabbits; the other six didn't run, just quietly stood there. The quiet kids just standing there were cuffed and hauled away in a police pick-up truck, interrogated, beaten and then released to walk home.

These undisciplined kids need their beatings and the police need to beat someone ... I guess they deserve each other.

Last night Victor, 17, father of two little girls, was walking home from work when he encountered the police near his neighborhood. They told him to stand still but instead he ran. Bad move ... the police shot him dead! Victor wasn't really a bad kid. He wasn't even wanted ... but he's a dead kid now! He lived in Laguna.

Another Cop snuffed out a young life. Sleep well Sr. Policia.

At the mortuary last night Victor's teen friends from Laguna gathered to kiss the casket. The police soon appeared looking to take all his teen friends to jail and 'interrogate' them. Fortunately Hortensia was there to talk the police out of it.

If you do, or if you don't, if you're one or many, stand or run ... You'll be pulled, interrogated, beaten and released.

Just a way of life for these wandering packs of feral teens.

These wild teens we work with are in every neighborhood with guns, knives or broken bottles ... they're armed and angry.

They hate! Their target ... the police.

Pray for us as we work their world; trying to make peace, and trying to convince them to take another direction. It's hard while anger and hate blind their minds.

But we Believe all things are possible with God!

By the way, somehow they found out the address of the policeman that shot Victor ... this isn't good! Sr. Policeman, watch your back!