The original Church at Antioch was an unusual Church in many ways. It was a very young Church, a Church of Gentiles more than Jews and more importantly a living moving visible body of Believers. A Church as it was made to be. Make no mistake, the term Christian was coined by non-believers, the people of the city of Antioch, as they watched the Believers in action.
The world called visible Believers, Christians! They were Christ-like in their behavior.
The Believers place of meeting wasn't even in the equation.
Indeed the Believers were the visible living Church. The Lord intended it to be that way.
How different the Church today. The Church of today is defined by the world, and Christians alike, as a building. The building with a cross on top!
The where they meet rather, than who they are.
Today Believers do their thing inside a building or facility. The key word here is INSIDE! The key word 2000 years ago was OUTSIDE!
Something to think about!
Today inside the "Church facility" we are "evangelized", "saved", "fed" "baptized," "discipled," "married," and by the Church we are "buried" Key word here is INSIDE!
In some cases there is little difference between the box with the cross on top in the cemetery and the box with the cross on top in the neighborhood! Ouch!
Today the world sees the Church as a large, strong, permanent and visible building in the community. Beautiful but lifeless.
And today, it's the Christians that call themselves Christians; not the world ... it seems Christians are not visible today, only their Church building. And the beauty of Christ is limited to architecture
Where have all the salt-less Christians gone?