Last Saturday a little girl at the orphanage with a cute smile offered me a small sucker. A Mexican sucker; they're weird! Salty, sugary and pepper hot! Not the first piece of candy I've been offered and I'm not into candy! But seriously, what does a little kid give to a person who has everything? In their world, as a Gringo, I have everything including a car full of candy. What can they possibly give me?
In the Bible I'm asked to love almighty God with all my mind, heart and soul; but how do I show God love. When God is Spirit, made it all and has it all, what could I possibly give him to show my love?
Interesting thought.
Sunday while waiting to speak to my teens in another orphanage, The kids were watching a blood 'n guts video, I was sitting on a couch with a street teen on either side. One was sleeping, (so much for the blood 'n guts.) As I was sitting there, out of the dark comes this little thirteen year old and sits next to me, then he turned and looked at me and gave me a big hug ... a long hug, an honest hug. I felt his love for me.
Loving God? Hugging won't do, nor will giving God any "thing" do as a gift of love. We love Him in Spirit and in truth. Loving God? ...
How about responding to His gifts?
Yesterday I gave a little ten-year old boy a top! He was literally smiling from ear to ear and jumping up and down ... he took the yellow top, looked at it and then looked up at me and gave me a big "thank you!" and off he ran to get to school. Now that's the way you respond to a gift you really love!
That "thank you" really made my day!
A simple part of loving God is not just obedience, Worship and Praise, but a simple thing like thanking Him regularly for all the little blessings He sends our way. Blessings we often overlook. Thanks, is simply showing an attitude of gratitude ... showing love and appreciation for all He has given us.
Often in my morning prayers, I can spend half an hour just thanking God for blessings He has given me.
Showing God love? ... It isn't hard!