Monday, May 10, 2010


My favorite cow was Daisy and she lived on my uncle's ranch, her wanderings were pretty much limited by a long rope. Within her circular world was a salt-lick; about an 8 inch block of solid salt. When Daisy felt a need of salt, she would come to the block of salt and take a few licks.

In Matthew 5:13 Jesus spoke of salt.

We have a record here of Jesus telling us that we are the salt of the earth. Salt, a uniquely different substance. Salt an essential to life. We are to be a distinctly different people, with a distinctly different purpose, created to spread out and flavor the whole world.

I wonder if He was talking block or granulated? What is the lesson He is trying to give us?

Through the hundreds of years we seem to have created two "salt" philosophies; The granulated Christians and the big block Christians. Those granulated Believers who believe we should be a little piece of Godly salt spreading throughout the world ... then there are the salt-block Christians that believe in becoming a part of the solid block, that will draw those needing our salt to the big white block. Lets be a little creative and put a steeple on our salt-block and call us a church.

It seems the majority of Christians today are content to have the salt of the earth while the other few Christians are happy and content to be the salt of the earth ...

... and isn't that the point?