How often I would take my nickel and dime to "Woolworth's Five & Dime". You could buy some neat stuff for a dime or even five cents. Everything us poor boy's wanted but couldn't afford. I remember wiping my little eyes across the counter scanning all the good stuff!
Everything in Woolworth's was "made in Japan" ... or "Made in USA!"

In a matter of years it seems that Woolworth's has morphed into today's popular 99-cent store! (Pardon me while I search for the 'cent' key on my keyboard! Dang! It's not here anymore!) The 99-cent store; one of China's greatest contributions to America; a big store where you could buy a variety of colorful stuff for under a dollar. Wow!
Not can but could ... note past tense.
I've noticed a subtle change creep in to the 99-cent stores. Have you noticed it too? They've added two words! ... "and UP!"
99-cents and up! (read that small print.)
Those paper dollars again ... floating up, just beyond our grasp!
I can't help but wonder how long It's going to be before we no longer find the $ sign on our keyboards?
Oh! And how long will it be before we have "99-Dollar" stores. Everything in the whole store for under a hundred dollars?
I think they call it inflation!
Don't laugh, it could happen.
China, keep up the good work; we'd be dead without you.