As to perfection, this resort must be high on God's list of perfects!
Now this is where I belong!
These are where my kind of people stay and play. I strategically parked about two blocks away. Grabbed my dark glasses and my tall Starbucks latte cup that I keep in the car for just such occasions, and leisurely headed into the lobby of The Grand Hyatt ... carrying my Starbucks cup.
I was dressed like my kind of people dress, cool, yet casual. Understated sophistication; I believe that's the phrase. And, of course, holding my tall Starbucks cup in hand. (I'll have to mention that a tall Starbucks coffee here at the Hyatt costs over $3.00.)

So I fit right in.
I figure I was created a big tuna by God, so why swim with the little sardines? This is my annual gate to Tuna Ville! (Or as we would say in Kauai; Ahi Ville.)
I carefully sat down on one of their clean comfortable chairs overlooking the ocean. I sat there with a thoughtful pose ... and thought. That's what big tunas do, they think!
Oh look!
Four beautiful swimming areas. All of these lovely pools were posted with signs listing what you couldn't do and where you couldn't do it. Rule number seven made a lot of sense; "NO electrical appliances in the pools"... no toasters, waffle irons or microwave ovens. In another area the small print was puzzling. No bodily fluids (or solids) in the pools! No spit, no pee, no runny noses or sweat! A severe warning to curb your bodily urges. I noted that this didn't seem to apply to the fish or fowl.
I struck out at the swimming pools as I was sweating ... and beside that I can't swim.
My kind of people, in appropriate swim wear, were lounging around in white chairs that circled the pools. Reading books and holding beverages. Pure leisure!
It was early, and I felt my Starbuck's was in.
Others were looking at the ocean and lounging in chairs under lovely shade trees. Amazing how the landscapers, years ago, planted these shade trees right where the chairs were ... that's planning ahead! That's vision. That's why these guys are paid the big bucks.
And that's why the Hyatt is the Hyatt!
There were warning signs at the ocean too, a list of don'ts to Mother Nature! One I noted was "Don't turn your back on the ocean!" (Been there, done that!)
I visited the smart clothing shops and the little gift shops all the while casually holding my signature Starbuck cup. Later I conversed with their two older parrots ... who seemed to sense I didn't belong there, but fortunately for me they kept their beaks shut.
This day was working out well ... two hours, with my kind of people, and I haven't spent a cent!