Church a container of salt or a generator of salt? Good question. The Church started as a generator of salt and it's calling is to generate salt but the salt was never to be captured by a container ... worse yet, captured by IT'S own container!
Salt is what a Christian is to become; it's a God produced condition meant to be shared in the world! A God thing!
The Church has missed half of it's Divine calling by attracting and containing it's salt within it's beautiful container.
Isn't it true that many "containers" compete with each other to attract the most salt?
Is it actually true that many churches own themselves and run themselves? God forbid!
Is that the real calling of the Church; to build a container and fill it with salt?
I think not!
When most of us think of salt, we think of shaker! The two words seem meant to be together. The dictionary puts them as one. "Saltshaker." Saltshaker speaks both of salt and of action.
Both disturbing and distributing the salt within by turning it upside down.
Indeed the Church should have fellowship, worship and be educated; but always educated beyond content. The Church needs preachers that are shook-up! We need preachers that preach a shook-up message simply because they, themselves, are shook-up!
The messages would excite and we would become excited!
The saints would once again "glow".
What the world desperately needs from God, is a good shaking of the saints!
Come on, lets sing it together!
"Shook-up, shook-out and shook-all-over!"
Now, for God's sake! ... lets get out and be what we are where we are. (Matt.5:13)