Monday, June 21, 2010


I'll admit it gives me a good feeling when I walk up on the platform and people applaud, and it's a real rush when hundreds of people give you a standing ovation. I know, I've been there. However deep inside me there is an uncomfortable feeling. Applause. Platform. Status. How does this all fit into the picture of a group of Believers? Does it belong in the Church?

Is it because I'm old, and in those olden days we didn't applaud in Church? It could be simply a glitch in adapting to today's culture. In that day applause was reserved for the secular; For entertainment like the theater, opera or sports.

When I hear applause in the church I sometimes wonder if the congregation is applauding the vessel or the creator of the vessel and it's contents ... or maybe both.

Frankly I'm worried about the secular leaven of celebrity. It's that five foot platform and those who act upon it. The performers we look up to. The platform that hosts our Christian Celebrities. Speaker, preacher, soloist, worship leader in a sense become Celebrities.

In the secular world I had no problem with applauding the performers but somehow I find it hard to applaud a brother in Christ who is simply and honestly sharing his gift. Applaud the man or praise God for his gift?

Or do we know the difference between being entertained or being edified?

Is this a cultural problem, or an indication that little by little the leaven of secular celebrity is becoming normal part of the evangelical church.

Are special speakers and popular musicians a cut above the rest of us? It seems so. In conferences and camps, as a speaker, I was often invited to special occasions where only we Celeb's were invited to fellowship with each other. A special time with us special people ... Christian celebrities.

Are there really Christian celebrities today? You better believe it! Christians that are a cut above the rest. Could there be "status" in the family of God?

Dangerous secular leaven slowly creeps into a lukewarm church.

Fortunately in the future there will come a day when we will all become family; we will all become one, where there will be a celebration with out celebrity.

Next time you applaud, think about it!