At the orphanage last Tuesday I heard quite a commotion so I walked over and opened the door to the big room. Little Raul's birthday party was in full swing. He was six now and his buddies were giving him a full on party except a little short on decorations. The dozen or so who were throwing this party had it complete with colorful balloons bouncing around everywhere. Not an adult was in sight, this was kids to a kid thing. I'm sure the singing of Happy Birthday could be heard for blocks. Then they all gathered on one end of a big couch and gave little Raul presents.
I saw two of them; briefly.
It seemed they had collected some of their own toys and wrapped them for the occasion. I don't know if you have ever seen presents wrapped by boys nine to eleven with whatever paper they could find ... Functional, unique, adequate. That about covers it.
Oh yes, they were wrapped with love.
Little kids, on their own making a party for another younger little kid, now that's rare.
Raul was in his glory opening his little secondhand gifts as quickly as possible . The first was a slinky with sort of a broken back. I couldn't quite see the other gift in a small box, but Raul was one little happy boy.
I can't say I was invited to the party, but I sure enjoyed it.
There was something good, clean and loving about it.