It was another Christmastime fire. Saturday night. All that remains now is a cold, wet miscellaneous patch of ashes over a cement floor ... and a heart broken family.
Hours before, it was a little building with a family of five, now it's a family of four; little two year old Yanely is missing; missing forever ... a little cross and flowers mark where she was found.
That rainy night, Mom was at work, father left to get some milk for hungry Yanely. A fire started; seven year old Alex did his best to save his sister Yanely but by then it was too hot! He, and his four year old sister Abigail, made it out in time ... watching as their sister burn to death.
Spectrum Ministries will be there to rebuild the building, bring blankets, beds, clothing and refurbish as best we can.
Tomorrow we'll give Christmas gifts for little Alex and Abigail ... but we can never replace cute Yanely
"Felez Navadad" Joyful Christmas? I don't think so. Better said perhaps; A Happier New Year.