Friday, April 09, 2010


Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Martin Luther King, the black trinity. Of these three, in my opinion, only one stands out as an honest champion of the blacks and that was the martyred Martin Luther King. King was one who was for the blacks lifting themselves from their accepted status, and seeing themselves as having as much potential as any other American. Head held high!

Jackson and Sharpton, quickly attaching themselves to King's legacy and are proving themselves cheap fakes making their fortunes off the backs of their own black people.

Two cheap political Reverends content with their stature and competing for power over their black community. Two self appointed political spokesmen for the blacks under them; which they keep chained to their color, history and status.

These two find it quite profitable keeping blacks segregated, disconnected, discontented and enslaved to their past. You will never hear Jackson or Sharpton encourage their people to leave their slavery and history behind and become the people they could be.

Quite a successful strategy!

Keeping blacks diverted from a successful track upward is the goal of these two pundits; their blacks are only to hear what they can't be and will never be. Keep them down and controllable.

Be their savior!

Isn't it interesting to put this in perspective. Look through history at different ethnic groups Like Pollock's, Italians, Irish, that have come to America to make a new life and how they made it. It was tough. Were they persecuted? Of course ... What about the Chinese. Really tortured and persecuted, yet they didn't bitch and complain, they quietly climbed above it. Group after group came over went to school and climbed above it. None of them with the “help” of Jackson or Sharpton

However ... the blacks and Hispanics continue to bitch about their persecution and treatment.

Time for certain cultures to grow up ... and solve their own problems.

I for one, am tired of the constant bitching of blacks ... It's getting old!! ... and I'm tired of being blamed for my great, great grandfather in Germany's involvement in the slavery that existed in early America.

This is so insane!

Have you ever heard anything about the Blacks in Africa that collected and sold their brothers into slavery. Blacks never speak about them. (I wonder why?) Of course not they were black. They're black selling their own, to the blacks that seems O.K. iI's the big bad whites that bought these people that are the problem.

Ahh, good old hypocrisy!