Sunday, February 08, 2009


How do you invite God to leave? We have an example In the book of Matthew. The story begins in the 8th. chapter and 28th verse. The people of the Gadarenes asked our Lord to leave their city. It was clear that they preferred the pigs! Pigs trumped liberating a slave from demonic control and changing future lives.

Our Lord was asked by the majority of the city to leave. When God is sent packing what or who replaces the vacuum? Any answer is a dangerous one. In the case of the Gadarenes, the pigs, their swill and filth returned. The demons remained to enslave the people. Once more the Gadarenes had their God-less status quo.

Will America take a lesson from the Gadarenes? Do we really want God out of America?

Will God bless America in absentia? I think not!

On one hand over eighty percent of Americans say they believe in God, on the other hand we and "God's" church stand silent while a determined minority of atheists slowly and successfully push God and His Christians out of the very America they created.

Starting with children in school, continuing on through the media and higher education, the atheist's Godless agenda gains credibility and momentum ... while we quietly watch.

While It's a puzzle now, it will be a disaster later.

Some of us feel a deep sorrow.

I fear for the future and I'm not alone. I long for the America that once was, and the God that made it great.

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