Wednesday, May 13, 2009


For years liberal and progressive teachers have infiltrated our schools; colleges and universities becoming full of tenured liabilities. I've always thought that a teacher was hired to teach her subject not her bias. A true teacher is there to motivate students to learn, and in that environment, educate her students not indoctrinate them. A teacher indoctrinating students with her particular political philosophies, life philosophies or even religious convictions is simply wrong. Let all hired public school teachers keep to their given subject and teach it well. The true teacher's goal should be motivating and teaching ... not tenure.

Remember teachers, you have the bully platform! You influence the lives of your students; every teacher should carry this responsibility honestly and responsibly.

Exploiting the minds of young idealistic students and molesting their minds in the name of education should be high crime. No true teacher with integrity would do such a thing!
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In high school, years ago, I had an old tenured teacher who would take our class period each day to preach his communistic philosophy. He would spin his lessons in History class with communistic thought. He was just one of many diseased teachers in the California School system. A teacher who should have been fired, but this was California and progressive California likes teachers like that.

I don't have children; if I did I would home teach or move out of California.

Years ago San Francisco was just a progressive city in California; it has now become California! When will it become our nation?

Parents, and the church have the right and responsibility of teaching and influencing their children in the area of morals, ethics, and character, and integrity along with religious and political views.

There should be some outrage! Don't molest my children; physically or intellectually! Indoctrination has no part in our public schools.

We need more intelligent kids and less confused ones!

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