Sunday, July 19, 2009


It seems most every ethnic group at some level wants to remain true to they're roots. They bring with them their past, their religion and colorful culture, and we accept it graciously. America is diverse. America is free; America is America!

However, when it comes to our own roots and culture, well, that's another story ... our own roots are non grata, today, why? Somehow, in this case, "our" roots are a different story. Why? Because our country's cultural roots are founded on a "Judeo Christian" ethic. Biblical roots are simply not acceptable in today's America!

A firm belief in almighty God and His Bible, was woven into the very fabric of our nation. The Judeo Christian ethic is what made us different from other nations. The Judeo Christian ethic is what made us great! No one can question the success of America; the most powerful nation on earth.

Our Judeo Christian ethic gave us, as a people, a unique and strong inner integrity. We had a higher accountability, serving a living God.

I speak in a past tense, because it seems we are dedicated to restructure our nation, in our image ... leaving out the very essential that made us great in the first place. We have pulled the Christian ethic out, along with the God that has so blessed us.

"One Nation under Obama..."

"In Obama we trust."

Is this the beginning of the Obama nation?

... where God is now past tense and spelled 'god'. A nation where our sovereign God was, but is no more!

In God's view, will we become an abomination?

Which will result in a ... God-damned-nation!

I, for one, fear!

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