We all know that wealthy big business tycoons don't give a damn about us as individuals, no love lost here ... however, corporately, 'we' represent profit so we do matter. "We" matter a lot.
What is Capitalism? Capitalism is simply greed under control! Ahh, the struggle of limiting unlimited power. The very energy essential to capitalism is 'greed', that's why it's been so successful! Capitalism utilizes the greed each of us has, and make no mistake we each have greed within us.
Greed is an obsession that's common to all of us. It's inherent in human nature, knows no bounds. Human Race? The energy of the race is greed!
The only thing that will satisfy greed is ... 'more!'
For some reason the greed most of us talk about is the greed for money. Let's take another look! What about greed for popularity, celebrity, control or power! Power being the ultimate greed!
I can't understand why our leadership is so blind. For some reason they don't see, or maybe won't see, that 'government' has just as much greed and corruption working in it's bureaucracy as the 'public sector' has in it's corporate structure. That's a given, look at history!
Where there are humans, rich or poor, there is the potential for greed.
The Administration believes that our greedy and corrupt Government bureaucracy should become, of all things, a 'watchdog' over the greedy and corrupt public sector?
Who's kidding who? Sounds like a power grab to many of us.
The one overlooked factor that swings in favor of the Public Sector, and the one thing we can't deny, is that in the Public Sector is where we find efficiency ... never do we find efficiency in the labyrinth of government bureaucracy.
Government should stick to governing! The Government has no business getting in business.