Jesus went around '*doing good' ... I like that. His enemies had 'good 'in mind too. The Pharisees went around looking good and 'being good'. In fact they prided themselves on being good, very good. That was their goal, to be good by living up to their self made legal standard. Their legal standard was one of don'ts, rather than do's.
When Jesus entered the world there was a clash of good's! Godly good, and mans good. There is a difference.
Jesus cut the Pharisees exhausting legal labyrinth down to simply saying. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as your self ... 'DO' this and you will not only be good ... but *'do good'.
Today Evangelicals tend to drift into the same human weakness of 'being good,' like the Pharisees did ... making their own definition of good and going about keeping it. Interpreting good in their own eyes. Their definition of good didn't include doing, only being. 'Being good'?
Often you have to stoop to *'do good' and their pride just wouldn't allow them ... to stoop!
My very Christian mother used to tell me, "as Christians and Fundamentalists, we focus on the soul, on the eternal, now the liberals, they're out their doing works, helping people in a physical way. We have more important things to do."
The wealthy young *Pharisee asked Jesus ... 'Good' teacher, what must I do to obtain Eternal Life?" Jesus first tackled the Pharisee's use of the word 'good'. Why do you call me 'good'? Is it what you've seen in me '*doing good' or heard from me in teaching? Or both? Mr. Pharisee what do you mean by 'good'? Only God is truly good, and to be good is to be Godly. Man continues to corrupt the term into an intellectual and super spiritual thing. A sterile good.
Being good has just a tinge of hypocrisy.
Yes Jesus went around *doing good, and look what came of it.
He won the hearts of the multitudes by '*doing good' ... and the Pharisees, 'being good,' crucified Him.
(* Acts 10:38 and Mark 10:18)