Ah, The First Church of Laodicea. This was Charlie Brown's church. This is where the politically correct gathered each week. A congregation of "saltless" Believers and non-believers alike. A beautiful Church, a wealthy Church and a comfortable Church with a comfortable message that would never offend anyone. Indeed the compromising Christian would feel at home.
The Laodicean Believers were not really HOT yet not really COLD either ... but, well ... comfortably neither. Contentedly living in the neither world seeking the best of both the world, and God. Being good but not necessarily godly A church with the comfortable temperature of tepid ... a truly lukewarm fellowship.
The Lord had it correct as He judged His Church of Laodicea. A Church that was there specifically to change the culture, was gradually embracing the culture.
Politically correct.
He used the term "luke warm." Not hot, not cold, but the temperature of flesh! The temperature of flesh. Tepid.
Because you are "lukewarm," I will spit or spew you out of my mouth. More correctly, "I will vomit you out of my mouth!"
Vomit too is flesh temperature.
We cannot do in the flesh what God wants done in the Spirit. When will we learn this?
Caution: Years later the Laodicean Church began to multiply, changed it's name and spread all over the world ... the Laodicean Church has moved into our neighborhoods; it too has a steeple and a cross.
Be sure and check the temperature of your Church.
Remember, with God, Hot is healthy! (Rev.3:16)