On the radio today I was listening to an old hymn. "Make me a Blessing" I knew that one by heart, just a musical reminder of my calling today. I started humming along thinking of the many old songs I've been missing these many "contemporary" years of music.
I well remember the hymns of faith from our Baptist "Broadman Hymnal"
I remember Trust and obey, and it's lesson; there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!
Then there are other impacting hymns: "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty!," "Praise God from whom all blessings flow".
And "How Great Thou Art!"
Somehow today's contemporary effort toward majesty and power in musical worship just doesn't seem to match up.
As I observe it, contemporary music has energy ... but lacks meaningful power!
These old hymns don't need a pipe organ, guitar or drums ... just a bunch of excited Believers!
I remember way back in my early childhood; every Sunday we closed our morning service, by standing, holding hands and singing an old hymn ... "God be with us 'Till we meet again!"
That seemed to make sense, as well as a great send off.
One college chapel I was attending, waiting to speak; I was surprised when everyone started to sing hymns ... it seemed as if I were in a huge choir. The church congregation was one gigantic choir. Everyone sang in parts, complete with the contralto high soprano who was there doing her thing. I said to myself," this has got to impress any visitor".
Somehow, yesteryears stuff leaves a good taste in my mouth ... and I'm hungry for more.