Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Yesterday afternoon I was on the dusty dirt road returning from our Spectrum workday in Ijido.

Barrio Ijido consists of a group of scattered houses connected by rambling rabbit-trail roads. This time year the color of the community is a powdery dirt brown.I

I wasn't going very fast on this long road consisting of thousands of chuck-holes; you take it easy for the cars sake. I noted a bicycle coming toward me on my right and soon recognized the young man as Alex. He waved me over, and with a big smile greeted me. He looked hot sweaty and tired.

Alex lived in one of the humble two room houses back in Ijido that was home to his wife and fifteen year old girl. Often, they had invited us in for a rather sparse lunch consisting of whatever they had on hand, which always included a glass of cola. With no refrigerator or electricity you eat what's on hand.

I walked around the car to talk with him. Alex was returning from work; about a six-mile ride. We chatted a while then; rather impulsively, I reached into my $10. pocket and pressed a ten in his hand, saying it was from God.

Then he gave be a long hug and thanked me. As he looked up at my face I saw the tears start. Seldom have I ever seen a Mexican man cry. His hug was strong and long, his tears streamed down his face. Thank you, thank you he repeated.

Wow! Quite an experience. Totally unexpected.

I have no Idea what that paper ten-dollar bill meant to him and his family, but it evidently meant a lot. He gave me another tearful thanks; picked up his bike and was on his way home.

I packed away another good day.

The bike above? His bike in the muddy winter.

Friday, July 27, 2012


I grew up when common sense was just assumed. I grew up knowing as an adult, I was to be responsible for myself and make my own decisions and to pay the consequences for my bad decisions; today the State makes decisions for us and for our own “good”.  The Government assumes the default for an average U.S. citizen is DUMB! The government feels it's here to think for us and take care of us because, well, we're dumb. And because we're dumb, we're expensive.

The Government legislators aren't aware that by their growing legislation they are slowly dumbing us all down!

Maybe that's their intent.

They outlawed super-sized sugar drinks in N. Y. Too many fat New Yorkers. And of course New Yorkers are so dumb they wouldn't think of ordering two large colas instead of one illegal super-sized one. A formal education could be of help on this decision ... and don't count on Google!

And now they're working on dog-seat-belts for all doggies riding in cars ... and no dog's nose out the window! In the male dog world, alas, it's illegal to have balls.

Legislation, legislation, more legislation! Don't be deceived ... follow the money trail. Ah, legislation brings in revenue $$$'s! You violate. You pay ... and it seems to be a marriage made in heaven . .  the Government keeps us healthy and free from accidents and we pay our part when we're caught violating these good laws. Buckle your seat belt or $$$. Motorcyclists wear head gear or $$$ Going North on a south bound street $$$'s

Truthfully, the government and our politicians don't give a damn about us as people; it's the revenue they can get from us that counts, and of course votes!

On the left coast we have cameras installed in most of our busy intersections; these cameras are meant to be a deterrent to those making illegal turns or running a red light. A great source of revenue. A lot of money rolls in from those 24/7 cameras.  Mexico simplifies it by having the green light flash four or five times before turning yellow. Works well ... means we use our heads, Alas, no revenue.

Paying federal money out to educate our kids and all of us on why we need to learn to think and act safely, avoid drugs ... and maintain good health is a healthy ‘solution' ... a solution that encourages us to think rather than dumb down our minds by habitually keeping the growing list of laws.

Unfortunately, there is no revenue in that approach, just a sharper more intelligent nation.

In the long run, the increase in revenue may not really balance out ... interesting thought. How much are our growing jails, prisons and penitentiaries costing us all?

Friday, July 20, 2012


I looked in the corner of the orphanage and spotted them ... four boys were sprawled on the cement, drawn together by the universal magnet of money and riches!

They were playing Monopoly and it was intense. Even though they didn't know English they understood money. In a short time some of them had gotten very wealthy. They now owned property and had plenty of money. Just a roll of the dice and a little intelligent greed made all the difference in these young millionaires. They weren't orphanage boys anymore, they were powerful wheeler-dealers, lost in the “could-be's” and not aware of the “would-be's” that ultimately follow a game of paper.

Suddenly they were called out of their make-believe world into reality!

Lunch time!

The game ended as it began ... simply a game. Each of them packed their colorful paper riches back into the Monopoly game box ... and sat in their place at the long table eating their simple fare.

Ah the deceitful paper game of riches, and once again true wealth eludes us. How few wealthy are really rich.

Mark 4:20

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I have to carry cash with me to Tijuana. I must have $300 or $400. On me at all times. Sometimes I carry it in my sock, other times in my pocket or car.

In Mexico it's necessary to settle problems as quickly as possible and with "cash on the table." No other way!

Unfortunately people know I carry money. The neighborhood knows it. The gangs know it. This many years, who doesn't know it?

In my ministry I never know when there will be a sudden demand for cash ... often it's an emergency or an unexpected and desperate need.

One morning a mother in Tijuana called me; her teen son was in the hospital alive but comatose. Ricardo was in a coma. It seems like the two teen buddies were on a building roof top running from the police, one boy dropped between two buildings into a high power transformer and was electrocuted immediately. His buddy Ricardo, 14, tried to rescue him and in the process was hit hard by the voltage. (I shudder every time I drive down Fundidoris Ave and see the building and same open transformer that killed Juanito!)

Ricardo was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital. I saw him laying there partly comatose, hooked to oxygen and a catheter and on an I.V. Most of his hair was burned off of his head. The hospital was a good one but an expensive one. The doctor told his mother Ricardo would have to leave that day for another hospital, maybe the general hospital, because Ricardo's mother couldn't afford the hospital and care he was in.

Mom was crying ... I quietly slipped her $200 in cash and told her to give it to the doctor, thank him and compliment him on his work on saving her sons life and ask for time to find some more dollars. Later I gave her another $200 and told her to give the doctor the same tearful pitch. We just needed enough healing to get him up to moving to the General Hospital. (Money well spent.) His life was saved; terrible scars though.

Would you believe I've had to "negotiate" (Work the price down.) for a corpse?  A little dead baby boy? His tearful mother couldn't afford to pay the mortuary, so they kept her dead baby's body. We "bought" him out so she could have him buried.

Oh, and I've had to negotiate for a live baby too ... mom couldn't afford to pay the bill, so the hospital kept her little girl. We bought the girl and gave her to her mother.

Sometimes, like yesterday, we had to buy a load of food for a little family that had absolutely no food in the house.

I've plenty of stories as to where my sock-money goes.

Thanks to your prayers for my safety, I've never been assaulted. God seems to watch my back.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A big group of tough kids, feral teens, I call them ... ages twelve to sixteen ... fresh from the streets of Tijuana.

Streets that are cold; streets that are indifferent and un-caring; becoming a place to flop when your drugged into unconsciousness. The boy in the photo above isn't dead, but how often these kids wish they were.

I get this opportunity to teach these teens on a regular bases, thanks to the Children Of Promise Orphanage in Tijuana.

What a miracle, having fifty of these kind of young men listening! I wasn't talking girls, or cars or drugs.

I was talking tough truth from the Word of God and they were listening; indeed a privilege, having these guys "buying" The Lord's important truths.

When I bring out my Bible, they don't recoil or head out the door they listen.

I've never intended my messages to "go across" or even "go over," but rather "go into" those of my audience. Heart penetration is what I'm after. Plowing and planting seeds deep. Change from the inside out. Heart change may be slow change but it is permanent change, and that's what God is after.

It not only takes the right message and messenger but the right environment.

Thanks for praying that powerful environment in.

Thursday, July 05, 2012


Years ago, it was my Sunday to speak in our Church. I announced my sermon topic a week before. I knew the church would be full.

My topic: "Three people in our church that I would like to see go to hell and why!" There was a hushed silence. Now that statement stirred people up! At the end of the service several people came to me very angry! "You mean you would like someone to go to hell?" "Oh yes, I replied." One person said, "I can't believe you as a pastor would say such a thing!"  ... others said, "Did I hear you correctly" "Oh yes, I'll let you know next week."  I even got calls on the phone.

Well, the next Sunday morning the church was packed! In fact it was electric! Everyone wanted to know who I wanted to go to hell!

I had great attention ... everyone was quite focused!

My point was simply made. I wanted the Senior Pastor, myself and the Sunday School Superintendent of our Church to be in hell for just five minutes, and it would change our lives and passion for serving God ... forever.


Pastors! Use this subject for your next sermon!!! ... I guarantee a full house.