Friday, July 27, 2012
I grew up when common sense was just assumed. I grew up knowing as an adult, I was to be responsible for myself and make my own decisions and to pay the consequences for my bad decisions; today the State makes decisions for us and for our own “good”. The Government assumes the default for an average U.S. citizen is DUMB! The government feels it's here to think for us and take care of us because, well, we're dumb. And because we're dumb, we're expensive.
The Government legislators aren't aware that by their growing legislation they are slowly dumbing us all down!
Maybe that's their intent.
They outlawed super-sized sugar drinks in N. Y. Too many fat New Yorkers. And of course New Yorkers are so dumb they wouldn't think of ordering two large colas instead of one illegal super-sized one. A formal education could be of help on this decision ... and don't count on Google!
And now they're working on dog-seat-belts for all doggies riding in cars ... and no dog's nose out the window! In the male dog world, alas, it's illegal to have balls.
Legislation, legislation, more legislation! Don't be deceived ... follow the money trail. Ah, legislation brings in revenue $$$'s! You violate. You pay ... and it seems to be a marriage made in heaven . . the Government keeps us healthy and free from accidents and we pay our part when we're caught violating these good laws. Buckle your seat belt or $$$. Motorcyclists wear head gear or $$$ Going North on a south bound street $$$'s
Truthfully, the government and our politicians don't give a damn about us as people; it's the revenue they can get from us that counts, and of course votes!
On the left coast we have cameras installed in most of our busy intersections; these cameras are meant to be a deterrent to those making illegal turns or running a red light. A great source of revenue. A lot of money rolls in from those 24/7 cameras. Mexico simplifies it by having the green light flash four or five times before turning yellow. Works well ... means we use our heads, Alas, no revenue.
Paying federal money out to educate our kids and all of us on why we need to learn to think and act safely, avoid drugs ... and maintain good health is a healthy ‘solution' ... a solution that encourages us to think rather than dumb down our minds by habitually keeping the growing list of laws.
Unfortunately, there is no revenue in that approach, just a sharper more intelligent nation.
In the long run, the increase in revenue may not really balance out ... interesting thought. How much are our growing jails, prisons and penitentiaries costing us all?