Sunday, February 17, 2013
What is it you and I cant live with or can't live without? The answer is simple;
Its gravity!
Gravity binds us to earth and that's fortunate as there would be countless multitudes of us floundering in space along with rocks boulders and space junk, Gravity's job is to pin us to earth and for sure, gravity is determined to plant us there too.
Today, at 84, it seems a gallon of water weighs more than it did when I was twenty. Gravity power seems to increase the older we get. We may fight gravity for a while but the victor will ultimately be ... gravity.
Who of us will escape its influence alive?
As the years slowly pass, our bodies gradually show the effect of the 24/7 gentle and constant pull of gravity. From jowls and skin that hangs, to bulging varicose veins, even boobs; as we age everything starts to hang! The body slumps into that old man 'S' shape.
At home we sit quietly in our easy chair; each day finding it more difficult to get the old body up and going.
Ah Gravity, indeed you'll get the last laugh.