Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Bolivia is a small landlocked country in South America. I have visited it often speaking to Missionaries and their children as well as local churches.
One year I was invited to speak to the graduates of a large Missionary kid School in the city of Cochabamba. The graduation was to be held in about the best hotel in this big city. Indeed a classy affair!
I still remember what I spoke on "Build a Good Foundation: The Wise and the Foolish Man."
After the ceremony, a rather charismatic young man met me at the door. It seemed that his daughter was in the graduating class and in good English he complimented me on the message. "Would you visit me in my home, he asked, I would like to talk with you?" I agreed and we set a day and time.
Later my missionary friends told me who the man was. "He’s running for president of Bolivia and is being predicted to be the winner." Banzar, the old president, has been there forever and the people want a change."
He and I met in the afternoon at his large and heavily guarded home. I had no idea what he wanted to talk about. He told me who he was and talked of his various plans for the country. Good plans; he seemed like an honest guy. Then he popped the question.
He asked me if I would join his team. Surprised? You bet! He said he liked my speaking style. I was a motivator, he liked that. Could he use me?
Of course this wasn’t realistic, and later I politely declined his offer. The start and finish of my very short political career.
As I look back at these little occasions, I’ve had a very interesting life! ... ahh! A presidential advisor!