Friday, January 24, 2014
Trusting His Word when it tells us to do the "wrong" thing, like bless and pray for our enemies! ... or turn the other cheek.
I was planning on teaching trust to my Youth Group!
I thought long and hard about how to demonstrate "trust". Then I got my answer.
I bought two big rat traps and fixed one so that it would not snap shut. The bate tag would function but would not trip the trap. The trap was wired open! Both traps looked identical.
At the proper time I took the two traps and a ten-dollar bill to the meeting. I was early and found a podium in which I set the two traps. No one noticed the two traps.
I started the meeting right off showing the kids the working rat trap. I snapped it loudly. I carefully set it and touched the bait lever with a pencil. Snap! The trap broke the pencil ... and everyone knew it would break fingers. I had everyone's attention, they were on the edge of their seats wondering what I was going to do with this trap.
While talking I put the working trap back down in the podium while picking up the second trap that was wired open. Behind the podium I pretended a struggle to set it and placed the folded ten-dollar bill in the bait lever.
I asked a question to the group. Do any of you want ten dollars? The answer was a qualified yes. (That was when $10. Was ten dollars!)
Then I asked how many trusted me? They all raised their hands. "Do you believe me?" I asked. "Yes" they said!
"Listen kids!" I held out the trap with the $10 in the bait slot, saying "Here's your ten dollars ... you just have to take it, I promise you the trap will not hurt you."
No one moved. "What's wrong?" I asked. No one moved as I tried to get them to take the money they wanted so bad.
Then I took the trap with the $10. To a small boy I knew that was sitting on the floor in front.
"Billy, do you think I would ever do anything to hurt you?" "No," he replied. "Would you like $10. Dollars?" He nodded his head. "Well, believe me Billy, just take the ten dollars off the trap, I promise you the trap will not hurt you." With that he looked at me, and then simply reached up and took the $10. Off the trap ... no snap. It was easy. It was his.
My audience was having mixed emotions, and now they just groaned.
I looked at them all. "You said you trusted me, but you proved you didn't!" We say we trust God ... but do we? "Just think you could have had $10. If you had just believed me."
Then I started the lesson on "Trust" and trusting God even when He asks us to do the impossible.
Yep! All the boys came up to see how I rigged the one trap. And how they were fooled ... and they still remember the lesson.