Monday, June 09, 2014
Well, it's all a memory now, the blood tests, the trips to the doctor, the hospital and the surgery; now it's get well time for Fernando. I saw him a few days ago at the orphanage in his new pajamas. I had promised him a remote control car if he went through the surgeries like a man ... he did cry a bit as they stitched him up, but after all he is only ten. Yep! He got the car.
His little red remote control car went over big.
When he saw me he gave me a smile and a hug and a picture he drew for me. As any true artist, he put his name and date down on the bottom of the drawing. I was amazed by his drawings, this little boy is gifted!
Fernando doesn't know the many of you who pitched in and made his surgery possible, but he does know that a lot of Americanos got together and helped him.
Thank you from Fernando and I want to thank you too, by the way, he's going to draw a picture for his doctor friend too.