Tuesday, September 02, 2014


 Baby Still Has His Tubes

This is about a little insignificant someone born on the wrong side of the fence two weeks ago. A tiny boy, so young he doesn't have a name ... We met his teen age mother as she was walking around her barrio with a cup, trying to collect enough pesos for transportation back to the hospital to see her newborn son. A congenital flip-flop placed the baby's bowls up in his chest area covering one lung and necessitating immediate surgery. In those first few days the little boy went under the knife several times. Mom was torn between her young girls at home and her new born son. Public transportation costs money.

 Triplet Sisters Visit Their Little Brother

She brought the baby boy to see me a couple of days ago. A few days after the surgeries they sent the little boy home, tubes and all ... not the most hygienic solution. Now the boy had developed a swelling on his right side and his young mother needed transportation money to get him back to the hospital ... she also needed food for the four small girls at home. Sometime things all seem to come apart, and this was one of those days. In emergencies like this we're here to help. Our general fund is where we find the money to help in situations like this. (Thanks to the help some of you give me.) Indeed this little fellas tough ... lets pray that he makes it.