Friday, February 27, 2015


Changing to small. Von's Ministries may be small, but in our case small is more effective and efficient. Today in my small organization of "three and an SUV" (Note the poetry!), as opposed to my former organization of seventeen paid workers, makes a big dollar difference in both staff, vehicles and other overhead expenses. In our case the difference in being small means those extra dollars go to expanding our reach directly into the homes of the poor and needy. That figures.

Each request our Barrio people make for help, no matter how small an amount, has to be checked out. As the border economy worsens; lying, cheating and scams grow more common. We have to choose what needs are to be met, and that means wisdom.

Each week the three of us work in one of four barrios. Yesterday was barrio Pedrigal: Seventy children and forty adults showed up. The three of us work hard. Rosa and Lino and their two handicapped babys, they are so thankful for their nebulizer. A new lady has a medical need; her little daughter has hepatitis and needs lab work done. By the way, have you ever seen an American kid jump up and down with joy, because he won a dollar? Kids play games, win a dollar, and head to the local store to buy some junk food ... they're hungry! At this time Abraham is undergoing surgery in Mexico city. A lot going on.

Looks like it's going to be raining this weekend in Barrio Ijido and because of the thick mud, Ijido shuts down, but over a dozen families are in need of basic food and drinking water, so I'm sending Lucas with basic food to help them through the five or six days of rain and mud.

With ministry there is always something going on. Thanks for your prayers and part with us.