Sunday, August 23, 2015


The announcer would say something like this "Good morning to all of you there out in "radio-land". I guess today it would be proper to say, "good afternoon to all of you out there in "Cyber-land." A mystical advanced land of higher electronics. Another e-mail message.

It's true, we as a ministry do struggle to get investors, partners, and for good reason, we invest our income in helping the worthless, the non-productive: what's known as society's human debris. Unfortunately this society lays a corner or an alley away from violence. Someone needs to touch the untouchable.

According to God's Word someone needs to be doing it and we're willing to be that someone.

I remember this comment too well, it was in my early years starting work with the very poor in Tijuana. The setting was a Saturday Prayer Breakfast. A Deacon of our Church came over to me. "von, why do you work with the poor in Tijuana ... they're just like a bunch of rats, you keep feeding them and they'll just make more". It shocked me at first to hear a "man of God" make a comment like that ... unfortunately, I don't get shocked any more because more people than I realized feel that same way about the adults and children in my world.

Just a little cyber reminder that we're still out there loving on God's forgotten people in Tijuana's untouched world. Care to join us?