Monday, February 08, 2016
I prize this painful painting! It says so much, much more than I want to listen to. I have been there, I have seen it, I've heard the quiet sobbing, the coughing and cars passing by ... I've even smelled it. This picture doesn't harden my heart, it breaks my heart!
In this case, we Christians need more Godly heart attacks.
Too often compassion is trumped by reason, or some other way of fighting off Godly guilt. At any rate it never seems to get spelled right. If we're smart, and we are, we never stop long enough to let God's chemistry of compassion sink in. The more we look at this picture, the more it hurts. Compassion demands changes be made, and on occasion sacrifices be made! I've met many "mature" Christians who still haven't a clue as to what real compassion is. Compassion, mercy and grace are three words securely locked in their dictionary.
Every one of us who so carelessly call ourselves a Christian, has an obligation to respond with a sacrificial compassion to 'needs' ... to the needy we find in life's path. (Christians should never intentionally navigate around the needy, but we do.)
And as a Christian I want to have an empathy or sympathy ... even a sorrow for those who have 'wants' ... be it cigarettes, bottle of whiskey or another drug. Those are 'wants', not 'needs'. "I'm sorry but no!"
But for the truly needy, Godly compassion ... true compassion will move my heart, hand, even my pocketbook.