Monday, July 04, 2016


Little four year old Josue was tragically burned in a car fire so Mexico Life Flighted him to Shriners Burn center.

70% of his body was burned.

He's a living miracle. His hair, eyebrows, ears and nose were literally burned off; his hands burned into fists. Even now Josue goes across the border regularly, where top cosmetic surgeons do their best. Many, many, painful trips. We've followed him with visits, gifts, and encouragement along the years ... his brothers and sisters are very good looking!

Josue is older now, and a faithful working part of our team of ten teenage boys. Half of these boys are handicapped in one way or other.

I came in the other day to see the boys all seated with their Bibles open listening to Lucas teach. So encouraging.

Josue has had a rough life, in many cases he's had to fight his way through. At every stage schooling was rough and he learned to be quick with his fists. We encouraged him to stick it out.

Now he has a group of buddies that don't look at him as odd but for who he is. Josue is quiet, polite and very helpful even though he has no hands, just burned fists. The years of growing up, stretching skin and muscles, have him still traveling to Shriners on a regular bases.

Soon the skin around his eyes will be worked on. Glasses needed.

But, there are still those dark moments where he feels worthless and he searches for the meaning of all this. Why me? It's hard convincing Josue of a loving God. Your prayers are needed and very much appreciated.