When making that important decision regarding future schooling proceed slowly and proceed with caution. Don't be fooled by the front door! Whether a simple bible school, seminary, college or university; the front door is always inviting, it's always open and looks great!
Don't fall for the beauty of academic brick and mortar! Inexpensive tuition? There many be a reason.
Don't fall for promises, if it's performance your after.
A person enters schooling to be educated. A student enters school somewhat like moldable clay and leaves formed and baked. (In some cases ... half baked!)
It's the back door that you need to watch.
The back door, not the front door, defines the school.
Who came from the school that became a notable leader?
The school's alumni all came through that back door, what did they become, better yet who did they become and what did they amount to?
As to schooling, always study that back door ... before you enter the front door!
The time you take researching a school's alumni will be well worth the effort.