I was thinking about government; I guess today we all think about government ... and I remembered the phrase "public servants," then I thought further into government, and even more important who funds our Governments.
Why, it's us! It's me! Enlightenment!
Why, I'm an employer! I'm the Governments boss! I'm the President's boss!
Yeah, I may be just a small sardine, but in this case us little sardines swim with the big tunas.
Wow! This has given me a new perspective, seeing as how heavily invested I am in my Government. (And God knows I am!)
I am a boss!
Just think, the next time I'm pulled over for a minor infraction, I can look at the police officer as my employee! Now that's a perspective I like! That dude is working for me. No more quaking fear. No more wet pants, but an eye-to-eye contact. Oh, and officer please address me as sir.
The unleashed power of a new mind set!
I can stop along the freeway construction area and inquire as to how they're doing on repairing my freeway and commend them on their work. Or tell the two men holding shovels to get down in the hole and help the one digging or I'll have them fired.
As boss I should be able to walk right in to the DMV and inquire as to how things can be improved and the need for so much paper. Oh, and I'll give you a date and time when I'm available.
And with due respect, I should be addressed as Sir. After all, I am boss and aren't all government employees ... public servants?
Servant has sort of a humble ring to it.
Alas, along the line we run into a bit of a double standard. The term "Public servants" is simply political misspeak! Reality sets in and again I cave in to my own employees.
The truth like a dream vanishes ... us sardines are still sardines and the big tunas ... well, they're still the arrogant and incompetent big tunas we elect every year.
(Try to find a good tuna? Here's a tip! You'll find the best selection ... in your local market!)