Friday, April 01, 2011
Driving in Tijuana I slowed down in back of a line of slowing cars, then came to a stop. As I was waiting, a rather disheveled man approached me ... he was selling "chiclets" little boxes of gums.
I rolled down my window, grabbed a dollar from my sun visor and handed it to the man. Lots of beggars "selling" chiclets. This man appeared to me to be another beggar.
He took my dollar ... and offered me the gum.
I said "no thanks" and smiled. He said, "No, take it. It's yours." I replied, "No, I don't need any gum."
He said," Well, you bought it, it's yours." I smiled and said "thanks" and took the package of gums, "I'll give them to my kids."
He smiled, and went on to the next car to sell his gum.
I took this man to be just another beggar; he was really a salesman. When I realized I was wrong, I smiled and took the gums.
This man was poor indeed, but he was a salesman with his small micro-business. He had his dignity ... and who was I to strip him of that?