Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Every now and then there will be a mayhem Tijuana traffic knot. (A Mexican stand-off!) Night time vehicular mayhem formed by a sudden intersection created by two separate two lane roads (= four lanes) narrowing into two lanes.
It's tired time ... Night time; no signs, no lights, no love, no cops ... and no rules!
We all just want to get across the border and back home.
Yep! A "Mexican Standoff" where nice guys don't win.
Last night I had to drive into and thru one of those Tijuana Traffic Knots, and it wasn't pretty.
Four lanes of cars slowly and miraculously cramming into two lanes forming a constantly changing knot of eight or nine crafty and bullish drivers hitting at you from every side ... this forms the heart of the cram. Each determined driver is pushing the limit. Many of us actually working within a three or four inch margin.
We're all trying to gain and maintain a permanent place in line.
Cars with their side mirrors pulled in indicate an unusual determination.
A heavy old car and bluff is the name of the game. The stuff these winners are made of.
Add some alcohol and drugs and you can have a rather explosive traffic cocktail.
Timid losers finally pull off and go back thirty cars to start again, dreading the growing cram intersection ahead.
We could call this, automotive poker ... however there are no rules to this game.
An interesting point you learn fast, no eye contact with any other driver. You slowly follow, within inches, the vehicle in front of you ... letting no one even think of cutting in. All of us slowly and deliberately forging ahead.
I'll be honest, a nighttime challenge like this for an eighty year old can stress this old man out. Each Tijuana traffic jam knotted like this, leaves you sweating ... for there is no mercy!