The older I get the more I think of pity or compassion as an emotion that is gradually fading away from our Christian ethic. I wonder if this is true or maybe just my observation. Is compassion or the willingness to pity seen as a weakness or maybe an irresponsible emotion in the black and white world of reality?
Maybe it's that the ability or tendency to pity tends to makes me vulnerable to an action or giving I really don't want to commit to?
Can the ability to emote become calloused in time or because of experience? Am I protecting myself against compassion ... against pity? Have I, in time, developed a defense mechanism against pity and the obligation it may present?
I struggle with compassion, it doesn't come natural to me.
We have to admit Jesus, our example, was quite literally "moved" by His compassion. That is His actions were often the result of pitying.
His teaching on the Good Samaritan highlighted a lesson on compassion to a small crowd of pitiless religious professionals; the smart Academics of the day.
Would it be right to expect true Christians to have pity and compassion as their strength rather than their weakness?
Compassion; the God given ability to empathize with the conditions or feelings of others less fortunate.
Compassion; love in action. True compassion demands some kind of involvement.
Is compassion missing as the driving force of ministry? Should compassion be the heart of ministry? Is it possible to have a calling initiated and driven by compassion for others?
*Today, as in most days I'll drive past beggars. In my world there are many. I drive past the homeless without a concern; I in my comfortable car give them but a glance, looking at them simply as everyday objects; a visible part of a society gone wrong! I don't want to connect with their pitiable condition; for which I really can do nothing about? I can use one of a hundred good excuses ... responsible reasons why I can't afford them pity or give them a prayer ... or a coin.
By driving past them I am doing nothing wrong; but then I'm not doing right either.
It's a fact that there is someone watching from above ... and He's keeping score.
The Book of Life is but one of many in God's Library!
The History of my life and your life is being written each day.
*To be honest, above my sun visor in my SUV, I have a pocket full of dollar bills, just for such occasions.