Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Many, if not most of the Christian leaders today seem to be content to take Christianity as it is, for what it is, and worse, for where it is.
Is today's level of Christianity worth building on? ...
Planning, building and working on the existing sand of Status Quo. Seldom does anyone question where Christianity should be, or for that matter where the Church should be ... or could be.
The truthful answers to these questions are uncomfortable indeed.
I feel we have done a great disservice to true Christianity by accepting "Status Quo" as our norm and working from there.
It seems that we're quietly adapting to reality by changing our definition of heat and remaking our spiritual thermometers; It's much easier scratching out the old Biblical increments and changing them so that tepid reads hot?
If indeed, Godly "hot", is an un-reachable goal why not change the increments to read more realistically.
It seems the Churches have already re-set their thermostats to comfort! The temperature most want.
How many times have I've heard "Don't with the church thermostat!!!"
Good question. Why keep stretching toward the call, if I'm never going to attain to it?
Lets be realistic and adjust to lukewarm reality ... as we look around we can find loads of cold Believers, and warm ones too, and the "lukewarm".
But let's be honest where are there any hot Believers today? Where are the Believers with a burning passion for God? Where are the Believers who are out doing it?
The movers and shakers!
Where are the lighted Believers who are recklessly running into darkness to illuminate the truth?
Believers are doers of the Word! I want to be out there doing it to the max, until God says ... "Time up!" May I be hot ... until my body turns cold. You don't find thermostats in ... caskets!