Wednesday, February 08, 2012
The hillsides of barrio Laguna are covered with small, unorganized little one and two room shacks. People in our areas walk or ride small busses. On school days Maria would carry her little eight-year-old Maribel up the hillsides to and from her school. No one seemed to think it odd that Maribel was carried up the hills on the back of her mother.
Maribel was born with a defective heart, and as she got older she just didn't have the energy to climb the hills to school; so mom would carry her. From time to time Maria and Maribel would visit Hortensia. Lips and fingers slightly blue told the story of Maribell's growing problem.
Miguel, her father, is a hard worker and pays the family's medical insurance each month. About $75.
The Government's social security hospital was so slow in responding to their requests for help. Meanwhile Maribel grew weaker.
Finally word came from the hospital that a date was set and a specialist chosen to operate on the little girl's heart. The date just two months way. Good news!
Bad news followed. About the same time Miguel lost his job and couldn't continue his insurance ... without insurance the date and procedure would be canceled.
That's where you entered the picture. Thank you Lord for our general fund. Maribel has had her first operation, and her second (and hopefully the last) one is two weeks away. The cost to Spectrum was only a few hundred dollars.
Maribel and her family are incredibly grateful. Hortensia has had many flowers and hugs from Maribel as well as her mom. I have a specially created envelope and colorful thank you letter from a special little eight year old, with a new life.
How can those with nothing thank those with everything?
Spectrum Ministries is a general term. It's easier to understand our ministry when we break it down into families and kids.
Maribel, we love you.