Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Could it be that nine out of ten of us leave the source of our blessings in pursuit of the blessings?
The question sounds a little confusing but it may be uncomfortably true.
A good example of what I'm talking about is found in the Lord's experience with ten lepers seeking His healing.
Ten were seeking His blessing. Ten received His blessing!
The most unlikely one, in gratitude, returned to the source of his healing, while the other nine, in their joy, seemed to forget the very source of their blessing; it seems that their very blessing drew them away from the "blesser" rather than to Him.
How odd!
Unfortunately many of us as Christians in America have become ungrateful for all we have ... actually distancing ourselves from God as we pursue His blessings.
The lesson is obvious ... a grateful return to our Lord.
Read: Luke 17:13-19