Sunday, August 19, 2012
Years ago, President Carter allowed a Communist comeback in Bolivia. The Communists were coming in strong and confident as they tried to win the small country.
I was in La Paz, the Bolivian Capitol, doing a week of Bible Studies for bi-lingual Bolivian teens as well as local American Missionary kids. It was Friday night and the last night of our studies. The missionary house in which I was staying had a large living room and it was full of teens, mostly guys. I noticed an older teen join our group that I hadn't seen before. He sat in a chair along the wall and listened to my Bible study.
When I finished, I asked the group if there were any questions or comments.
At that point the young man stood up looked at me sitting there with my Bible, and then he slowly looked around the group; then in perfect English he asked the group how many believed the Bible and message I was teaching.
He went even further, "if you believe that stuff ... raise your hand!"
This young man had guts, he put them all on the spot!
I watched the struggle! Two of the group slowly put up their hands half way. The others just looked down at their feet.
Ah, so much for courageous teen age Christians.
He did something I couldn't do ... he found the truth!
I dismissed the group and went over to the newcomer. In talking with him, I found he was a devout Communist. We had a brief conversation. I said to him "It's obvious you and I have different beliefs, but I'll admit you have more courage in your little finger than this whole group of weak Christians!" "I wish we had more Christians with your courage!"
At that point I shook his hand!