Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Many of you who have read my blogs and understand the nature of my ministry, realize my small four-wheel drive SUV is essential to the ministry. We go to the needy (they don't come to us.) We work where the needs are. We are, (as in most ministries,) dependent on wheels.

The other day I took my Nissan Xterra (SUV) in to be serviced. Fast. Simple. Inexpensive! Things were fine UNTIL they lifted up the car up and looked underneath at the rear frame, I learned a lot. The mechanic said..."This car was in an accident before you bought it ... and it isn't safe to drive!!!" I went down to look at; he was right ... The 120.000 miles it has are hard miles. Oh boy more expenses ... and now a rental car!!!

I sought counsel from several of my supporters, and with one accord. "Von, change vehicles. Get an SUV that's younger and has less miles." They said that they would like to see me in a more dependable car. Well, I can't argue about that ... although, I'm content to continue with the old one and see who out-lives-who.

Having friends check out SUVs ... it looks as if a Subaru Forrester would do the job. Consumer Reports rate it as the best value.

Now to pay for it I'll need faith and friends; plenty of both. We've scraped together half the cost. (PTL!!!) This will be my last car ... if any of you would like to beat me to my funeral ... I could actually use your flowers now!

Send me an e-mail and I'll tell you how. My e-mail address is
