Monday, March 09, 2015
Our Barrio Ministry Days are anything but routine, similar maybe, but never routine. There is always laughter and happy-highs but on occasion there is a place for anger and sorrow. I was providing showers for about thirty boys and I noticed a new boy. He was about twelve years old. I noticed something I didn't like; in fact it angered me. Two reddish and swollen lumps on his lower abdomen. His testicles had not descended and now they were swollen and hurting bad. I called for his mother and she came. I asked her if she had ever seen a doctor on this, and she said she had some years back and the doctor said it was okay and in time they would drop! Foolish and ignorant doctors anger me! This boy was hurting and now the special surgery to drop these into his scrotum is going to cost big dollars! Please pray that we can find a good pediatric surgeon in Tijuana. His mother, a widow with three kids, and cleans houses for a living can't afford the cost of a procedure this sophisticated ... and we can't simply say, God bless you and we'll pray for you. We have to do something, and fast.
A photo would tell the story but would not be appropriate.
We stopped in to Sandra's small house. She had asked for a big stroller so she could push her crippled boy around. We visited her and her boy ... Andres. Andres is twenty-four and has the body of a five-year old. I sat on the bed watching him. He was deformed physically and mentally by meningitis when he was a baby. Again, a picture just wouldn't be appropriate. She mentioned he needs a little heater too, as it gets so cold at nights. His father works at the dump and comes home with a little money every weekend. Sandra? Well, she sells old clothes; she lays the cloths on the side of the street in front of her house hoping someone will buy.
We see so many legitimate needs, and SINCERELY, thanks to you, we don't just pass-by.
On the surgery, we'll somehow pray the money in.