Sunday, December 27, 2015
God knows the weather ... and He isn't telling. For sure the weatherman doesn't know. The weather reports here in Baja have been very confusing. They say the weather today is sunny BUT it's been raining. Because our areas of ministry are very remote and connected with narrow dirt roads, when it rains, they become ribbons of dangerous slippery clay where the slant of the road dictates your direction.
We had to cancel workday yesterday after three days of rain mudded out our plans ... but plan two worked out. (Much better road.) Off to the old folks home we went. We decided to give Christmas Bonus cash packed in little envelopes to each of the twenty workers! Talk about happy! The staff was happy that day. That meant an extra weeks pay.
The workers are paid about fourteen dollars a week to care for over a hundred old people ... that is to feed, clothe and bath them, change their pampers, and bedding. Day after day putting up with the aged, crippled, and senile. These people willing to work with the old and worth-less, are worth so much more than $13.00 per week.
Some of the money we had for barrio Pedrigal, we gave to the old folks home.
Your money at work.
Sunday, December 06, 2015
A local pastor was checking out our Christian Education Program. Sunday morning he took a walk through our Christian Education Facility ... walking down the hallway he checked out my Sunday School class of a dozen or so Junior High boys. He found them with their Bibles open and listening intently to my teaching. He walked out very impressed. You see Junior High boys just aren't into studying. (He didn't know my secret! )
A few Sundays before, my kids were giving me a hard time ... a bunch of teen squirrels. I decided to play a little trick ... and turn them into students.
The lesson that Sunday was on Jonah.
Here's what I told my kids. "In my lesson this morning I'm going to tell you guys a big fat lie and you're going to believe it! Your going to buy it! Now, for anyone smart enough to catch my lie, I'll take you down and buy you a big frosty (Ice cream) ... BUT HERE IS THE RULE, don't let anyone know when you hear my lie, just whisper it to me after the class." "OK? Now lets get to the lesson on Jonah. As I was turning to the book of Jonah, I kept talking, "Now this little book tells of the fascinating miracle of Jonah and how he swallowed the whale, or big fish ... now have you all found the book?" Indeed they were students, and indeed they had the wrong motive. I used the statement "Jonah swallowed the whale" twice. Only two kids caught me! Two frosties for a room full of students? Not a bad ratio. In fact the idea worked so well I continued teaching each week, throwing a few lies in my lesson. Yes, the following Sunday I told them all about the lie I used the previous week and made fun of them. Students indeed!
Saturday, November 28, 2015
It was in the city of Bogota Colombia I was hit in the face with an ugly reality. It came in the form of an honest question.
I was housed a few days in the lovely home of an agnostic couple. They were the Youth Sponsors of the Union Church of Bogota Columbia. I remember walking into their home for the first time and noting their thriving marijuana plants in the hallway. They were on a U.S government grant examining the causes of poverty. It wasn't to be the warmest of hospitality, as they knew I was a Christian Youth Pastor. Indeed it can be rather chilly in Bog. The last morning we were eating breakfast together and the young man asked me what I did; what was my focus. I told him my passion for working with the poor in the barrios of Mexico. I remember well; he stopped eating, looked at me and said very clearly “You mean you are a Christian and you give a damn about the poor?”
To many Christians, the people we minister to are seen as a growing strata of human scum plagued by drugs and debauchery; forming an environment in which evil flourishes. They are right BUT as painful as it might be, someone has to enter this world of broken people. Their challenge to us? How dare you bring the light in! His light in itself reveals the ugly truth.
Below the boardwalk of life, one by one, we collect the people who fell through the cracks ... according to the Word of God, there are no worthless people!
I'm still plugging along among the poor. I'm more than aware of how my people are seen. They are comfortable in their darkness. Indeed Satan has a tight hold on them. But to God there are no worthless people ... It's simply God's will that someone enter their stinking world and love them, sharing God's grace; caution, coming as a light into their dark world is risky at best ... it makes a good target for the evil that exists. With God there is no area on earth that's off limits!
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Last Thursday was Spectrum's workday in barrio Laguna.
Mari, is very poor and Spectrum's free vegetables are a real help. She's always glad to get them, but she had another problem. Her little boy was alone in the General Hospital, he just had surgery and she really needed to be with him but had no money for transportation; a couple of dollars would do it. Would some missionary giver her a little money for transportation?
She threaded her way through the crowd contacting several of the Christian missionaries telling them about her son Victor in the hospital.
The day before he was vomiting blood; she quickly took him, by local bus, to the General Hospital where they quickly operated on him. (I wonder what she felt like sitting on the at the bus stop holding her bleeding son while waiting for a bus?)
Mari simply needed a little cash for bus fare to visit Victor. Several Christian missionaries prayed with her but none offered her even the little money she needed for transportation. Prayers and sympathy are nice but ... some things take dollars.
Then a Mexican lady pulled Mari aside and said, "Go find Hortensia, she'll help you."
Word gets around.
Well, that's just what she did, and Hortensia listened to her story. Mari has four young kids and her husband is crippled and can't work. He gets a pension of about $90 a month. She earns a little extra by selling candies, tortillas and nopalis (cactus) When Victor, age 9, had his attack, she took him to the hospital, but then she had to return home to the children.
Alone in the General Hospital isn't a good place for a kid to be. No mother would want to leave her son in a Hospital alone. She wanted so badly to visit him, but no "Christian missionary" had even $2. To help her out.
Strange isn't it?
Well, Hortensia did give her the transportation money plus some food money for the family. People know we care. (I give Hortensia extra money to help on her Spectrum work days.)
I met Victor last Saturday, the day he was discharged from the hospital. He had lost a lot of blood. He was a little shy, but he let me pull his lower eyelids down and I saw he was still anemic. He needed good food and some red meat.. (Iron) So we made it possible for her to buy the food the doctor prescribed. In this case the proper diet was essential! Mari was so happy!
We appreciate those of you who make it possible for us to help in cases like this.
Sunday, November 08, 2015
Let's call her Sabrina; a young woman in Tijuana who wanted to have a baby, but she and her boy friend couldn't have one. Sabrina was determined to get a baby! A young lady friend of hers was two months pregnant.
Sabrina dreamed up a diabolical plan.
Sabrina cozied up to her pregnant lady friend. She often went with Maria to her hospital appointments with her doctor, she bought her little meals. They visited each other in their homes. The two became inseparable. Sabrina's plan was going well.
When Maria was about seven months pregnant, Sabrina invited her over to her house. At the house she killed Maria, cut her open and took the unborn child as her own.
Day's later Sabrina took the newborn child to the hospital to register him, in checking her, the doctor became suspicious, then the authorities were called and the whole story came out. Maria's bloody corpse was found among some cardboard trash in Sabrina's house. Sabrina's case was quick. She is doing fifty years in the penitentiary.
The little baby was given to Grandma along with Maria's two year old son. As soon as Hortensia heard about the tragedy she went to visit the Grandma. At first Grandma was tight-lipped and very apprehensive, but when she found Hortensia was not from the police or media, she opened the door. This was just what the lonely Grand-mother needed, a friend to be there to talk to. Hortensia wasn't there to simply listen and pray with her, but to help the poor lady out. Pampers, formula, blankets, food and love were all supplied. Hortensia is well known in Tijuana for just this reason ... she cares.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Suddenly, Maria broke loose from the group at our workday, and she started running up the dirt road toward the school some distance away. In about an hour she came walking back hot and sweaty. What happened? She got a phone call that they had kidnapped her daughter from school and were holding her for ransom.
Maria returned from the school relieved, her little daughter was there. It was a scam. Tijuana is getting more scam calls such as these. Hurtful scams that too often pay off. As the economy continues to fall, more and more of these scams are being created. Two uniformed men appear at the door claiming to be from the Government. They ask for permission to enter and fumigate the house. Their uniforms and papers appear to be authentic. Once inside they rob the house. The media soft peddles the growing kidnappings and shootings in Tijuana for fear of hurting tourism.
The little SUV saved the day!
Boy has it been hot these past weeks! We decided to buy all the kids little Ice Creams from Jorge the school Ice Cream man.. A picture made in heaven because Jorge needed the business and the kids as usual were hot and hungry so he pushed his little Ice Cream cart a half mile over to Barrio Gardenia where we were working. (The same place the scam above took place.)
At the end of our workday I paid Jorge for his ice cream “ministry” Lots of children and adults. Eyes always watching. Chibo and her drugged up boy friend were watching too ... watching me pay Jorge.
Fortunately little ears are always listening. Two boys heard Chibo and her boyfriend mention that they were planning to rob Jorge as he pushed his cart back through the canyon. When you’re drugged up you don’t speak too quietly. The little ears heard the plans ... the little ears told us.
As Gringos this put us in a bad spot. We can’t interfere with Barrios, we can’t get involved with the police and we can’t let Jorge be robbed. After some thinking a plan emerged.
Fortunately someone noted that Jorge’s Ice Cream cart, if dissembled probably would fit in Joyce’s little SUV ... that way we could drive Jorge and his cart past the robbers as they waited. They had no guns ... only a knife and sharp machete.
And so it was! The incident caused us forty-five additional minutes ... but Jorge, the Ice Cream man, was home and really relived. Chibo and her “malandro” friend had to get their “hits” some other way.
The following week two young men were abducted and killed in the Barrio next door. Leaving a widow and three little kids. A shot in the head and you immediately have a widow and three kids. We're helping her on this one.
Like the Amazon jungle I’ve spent so much time in ... there are always eyes watching! To strangers that world looks peaceful but to those who know, it’s anything but peaceful; it’s full of dangerous surprises. Day or night our jungle is dangerous; at night raise the danger level 100%
Just a reminder to send your prayers our way!
Thursday, October 01, 2015
God sees the small things: God notes the sparrow of little worth as he falls to the earth. The widow's, near worthless, two mites couldn't possibly make a difference in the running of the Temple, prompting another lesson; it wasn't what she gave, it was that she gave. It wasn't the amount, it was the motive. Two worthless physical coins invested in the Spiritual Kingdom. Makes sense to some of us.
Speaking of little, On the occasions where our Lord was to teach, the disciples were busy shooing away the mothers and their kids ... "Lord, these kids are just a nuisance!" Jesus replied ... "let the little ones come to me", To Jesus, indeed the little ones were the future; in fact the kids were to be first in His Kingdom.
A controversial question: Does God bless irresponsible giving! It appears so. The widow is nameless. The widow is poor and perhaps had young kids. The motive of her giving remains unknown. She gave all she had in her purse.
Were I standing there watching, I would have advised her not to give her last two mites, and I would have probably given her money. The Lord didn't do either. I wonder why?
The obvious primary lesson, is by giving all she had to God, she gave more than all of the big givers combined ... She gave all, they gave a portion. Dig deeper; is there another lesson here?
Another proof that God sees values quite differently than we do. I'll be honest, this example makes me uncomfortable as it jerks my ever human logic around. This story, or example, is to be a lesson on Godly sacrificial giving, and as a Christian I'm expected to look, learn and do.
Perhaps we, as Christians, should consider changing our view on values ... to search for what really counts in God's sight.
And while we're at it maybe we should reconsider our definition of sacrifice. Was this an example of sacrificial giving? Not that her gift amounted to anything, it didn't: it wasn't what she gave that counted but that she gave sacrificially. Her gift to God, left her with nothing in her purse! Her gift placed her in the position of trusting God.
My question: Will the Lord bless her with the "nothing" she now has? Or will He bless her more than the "everything" the many other givers have?
Alas, we are so tight (responsible?) we end up being un-Godly. When God is looking for a sacrifice we reach down, deep down, searching for a mite or two to give Jesus. "Truly, these mites can really help some worthy cause."
Mark 12: 41-44 & Luke 21: 1-4
Monday, September 14, 2015
Another thing about "my world" that most of us North Americans don't understand is transportation ... how someone gets from one place to another. Now Tijuana is full of millions of people, and true, there are millions of cars. (And trillions of old tires!) Vintage cars, little and big busses, taxies, etc. These wheels fill the streets and roads. But most of my people fill the sidewalks, they get around by walking, or taking a little bus. For the most part cars are not in their picture and those few that are in the picture are old, very old.
Yesterday was our big workday at barrio Gardenia. (The barrio is anything but a fragrant "gardenia") We picked up Andres and Jose, and took them with us in my nice shinny new SUV. I'll be honest it's five years old BUT looks brand new.
Now Andres and Jose about ten years old, just moved to Tijuana from South Mexico where cars and Americans are rare. Their mother warned us that they had never been driven in a new car; in fact they had never driven in a car with an American. So it was to be a first time experience. Mother's last words were "roll down the windows they may vomit!"
Well, they didn't! They were white knuckle excited as they examined the car. Roll down the window? No, just push this! They chattered away while fingering everything. No time for barfing! This was their first ride in a real American car!
I just thought I would mention this to let you know that my border world is really a different world ... so different from our formed opinions. So much of a difference on the poor side of our border fence. Moving by wheels cost precious money.
The first thing in Tijuana that impresses the American visitor is to see people, lots of people and they are walking! It was fun giving Andres and Jose their first time experience riding in a real car!
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Through these years of ministry in Tijuana I've had occasions where I've visited ... I'll call them, "houses of mercy" where throw-away people are taken for medical attention. We went there to see a boy who had been hit and injured by a car. I went to the boy's bedside where his father was crying and pleading with his boy to respond. His brain-dead son just stared at his crying father. I'll never forget that!
I slowly walked around the two rooms full of hopeless medical cases. Slowly observing "ministry" in action. It was hot, two fans and no Air. I watched as four poorly paid men did the ugly jobs: turn the patients over, insert feeding tubes, take out catheters, empty bags of urine, change soiled pampers and clean dirty beds. One of the men was working the makeshift kitchen. These kind of workers became heroes in my mind.
One of the hardest things I ever did was on a bus trip to Disneyland. A bus full of excited orphanage kids. SantaAna, Interstate five ... Shell service station. Our bus driver signaled me to pull over. The driver opened the bus door and I could smell the problem. All the kids were crowded near front and all alone way in the back seat sat a ten year old in tears. The kid was attacked by the diarrhea bug ... and he lost!
The boy and I walked slowly to the little bathroom. I gave instructions to another driver to go and buy some new pants, underwear and tee-shirt ... and I went to work on the dirtiest, smelliest job I ever had. It was all I could do just to keep from vomiting. A humiliated stinking boy, small wash basin, scores of paper towels ... In a small way I can relate to these 24/7 heroes.
There are now over 150 in Chuy's Old folks home. I watched these same kind of hero's at work in this community of the handicapped and aged. From cooking three meals a day, changing catheters and urine bags, changing pampers and cleaning dirty smelly beds
Two days ago I asked Pastor Chuy how many helpers he has and just what he pays them. He told me he has sixteen workers and pays them each about $15 a week; he pays the two cooks $30 a week. He told me rather sheepishly that there are nights when he has had to sneak out, he couldn't pay them; the money just didn't come in. For hot, hard and dirty work $15 a WEEK!
I thought why not a bonus? They've never gotten a bonus. I hope you don't mind, but I took some of your money and broke it down to cash. I asked Pastor Chuy to give me a list of his workers. We placed $30. in sixteen little envelopes. Hortensia wrote their name on each envelope.
Yesterday there was joy in the camp. A happy surprise! A special encouragement to sixteen underpaid heroes! They each got their bonus. Oh yes and Pastor Chuy got his bonus too!
Thanks for helping us do this kind of thing ... we couldn't do it without you!!!
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
"Behold I stand at the door and knock" ~ Revelations 3:20
It's not like we've locked Him out, its more like we've pulled Him aside to give Him some advice. "You see Lord, Your Gospel and methods just aren't working, and in our opinion there are three good reasons. 1.Your methods and Gospel are outmoded, 2. Out dated, and 3. Have become irrelevant. As a society we've moved on. Your methods back then may have worked for Peter and Paul; but look around Lord, it isn't working today. Now that we have your attention Lord, what would You suggest?"
We need your "help" on this. We're willing to help Lord but things have to change.
Indeed, is "help from us" the problem ... God lacking our help? Since when has God needed man's help? Could that be the problem? Man integrating himself in God's Divine business?
Remember, way back, God created man ... we didn't create God. gods yes, but God no.
God's Gospel of grace was totally a God thing.
The creation of the Church was totally a God thing.
The Holy Spirit is a God thing, a Divine phenomena. God and God only power!
God will work through what He chooses, or whom He chooses. God and man, or God and angels for that matter are not co-equal! God and man have never been partners in a joint venture, God just doesn't work that way. Where do we get the idea that God and man are involved in a joint venture of spreading the Gospel and planting His Divine Churches?
We might best sit in the beautiful shrine of an empty cathedral and reflect on ... why God has failed in His quest to advance His Gospel throughout the world. Reflect on why the Church hasn't grown? The deadness and smell of death in the Cathedral should give us some answers. The tower of Babel or beautiful cathedral in all of it's beauty both smell of man.
Man has done his best only to find he has contaminated he very Gospel he preaches, God came to save and change man never to partner with man.
Could it be so simply said: God's desire is to work "through" man, never "with" man! ... or God, forbid, "for" man!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
I live in San Diego, in a big collection of middle class Townhouses called Canyon Rim. From my kitchen window I watch the dog walkers. A growing number of these couples are opting for pets not children. I'm glad, very glad to see this growing parade of doggies. (I've only seen one cat being "walked" and that was a hopeless exercise in futility!)
In my opinion, today, having a pet become the third person in the family is a wise decision. Biologically today's adult couples are qualified to create kids, however in my opinion, rare indeed is the couple today that's qualified to "parent" their child, or God forbid, "children" to mature adulthood. Buy a pet!
I know most every woman at one time in her life wants a "baby". Unfortunately, every little baby grows to be an adult. Parenting a baby to become a healthy mature adult is expensive, demands time, and competence.
CAUTION: Young couple ... buy a pet!! And you can continue your life of "recreational" sex. A pet can be loved as much as a kid and in many cases more than a kid.
Here's an impressive list of reasons why pets may be the right choice for you. Seriously consider the following ...
- Pets don't require a college education.
- Pets don't cry themselves to sleep when they find out mom and dad are divorcing ... That's for the rare couple that bothers to gets married.
- Pets will never turn out to be a teenagers that you can't manage.
- Pets won't mind going with "daddy" one weekend and "mama" the next!
- Pets won't be influenced by your hypocritical behavior.
- Pets around here in California are not male or female, they are neutered, so they won't end up horny fruit flies. Dogs and cats are a happy liberated California Unisex!
- Pets won't get into drugs or join a gang.
- Pets don't require expensive shoes or clothing!
- Pets won't demand their rights ... or say NO!
- Pets are always under your control. In your house or leashed so they won't be "hanging" together on the corner at one A.M.
- Pets don't have to be taken to school activities.
- Pets will be happy with a bone for Christmas ... try that with your teenager.
- Pets aren't into expensive clothing.
- Pets can eat once a day!
- Pets medical expenses will be a little less expensive.
- Pets won't be needing a telephone or computer.
- Pets won't surprise you by turning out Gay, transvestite or bisexual ... they are a happy unisex.
- Pets don't need the Internet.
- Pets don't get addicted to porno.
- Pets can spoiled and not make you feel guilty.
- Pets are loyal no matter how cruel you treat him he won't divorce you! ... in liberal California children can divorce their parents.
- Pets will never turn out to be a gangster, you won't be visiting him in prison.
- Pets won't steal from you to support their habit.
- Pets may mess up your floor or bed, but they will not mess up your life!
CAUTION: In my opinion, today's He and She together in a comfortable bed should have some serious "pillow talk" BEFORE creating a child. Today creating a child is optional ... undoing a twisted adult isn't.
My advice to today's young couples; plan on getting a pet ... don't create a human life only to end up screwing it up!
Just some advice from an old man who has seen too many screwed up young people here in America and in Tijuana.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The announcer would say something like this "Good morning to all of you there out in "radio-land". I guess today it would be proper to say, "good afternoon to all of you out there in "Cyber-land." A mystical advanced land of higher electronics. Another e-mail message.
It's true, we as a ministry do struggle to get investors, partners, and for good reason, we invest our income in helping the worthless, the non-productive: what's known as society's human debris. Unfortunately this society lays a corner or an alley away from violence. Someone needs to touch the untouchable.
According to God's Word someone needs to be doing it and we're willing to be that someone.
I remember this comment too well, it was in my early years starting work with the very poor in Tijuana. The setting was a Saturday Prayer Breakfast. A Deacon of our Church came over to me. "von, why do you work with the poor in Tijuana ... they're just like a bunch of rats, you keep feeding them and they'll just make more". It shocked me at first to hear a "man of God" make a comment like that ... unfortunately, I don't get shocked any more because more people than I realized feel that same way about the adults and children in my world.
Just a little cyber reminder that we're still out there loving on God's forgotten people in Tijuana's untouched world. Care to join us?
Monday, August 17, 2015
I drive an '04 vehicle. I've spend a lot of time and many miles in this vehicle. My vehicle takes me where I want; it goes where I direct it. However It's simply a vehicle. To be sure, my vehicle is not me; we are attached only in the purpose of transport. My vehicle serves me. I'm inside my vehicle yet we are separate.
Not hard to understand.
I see a similarity in life. My body (flesh) vehicle and me; we make quite a pair. Indeed we are very close. "Until death do we part."
My flesh body is not me; it's my God given vehicle. It's my temporary earthly vehicle, my onetime and onetime only, vehicle.
My body of flesh simply exists to serve me ... to please me and fulfill my needs and desires. To do my dictates.
My body is temporal while I'm eternal. My body is flesh and blood, while I am Spirit. My body has been given a life-span while I am a forever being.
When I became born the second time. I received the option to donate my vehicle to God's use for His purpose, or to continue running it for my own pleasure. For me that decision was a struggle. At that point I made a choice. God, you can have my physical body, it's yours for your purpose and direction.
Many years have passed and as old as my vehicle is, I'm still committed to doing what I can, where I can and with whom I can ... as long as I can. Von is under God's control.
When all I can do on earth is done. When the last chapter; the last paragraph; the last sentence; and the last word is written of my life, all will be followed by a comma, not a period.
Just moving on ... Earth becomes a memory ... eternity becomes reality.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
"Do you mean it Von, you'll take us to eat hamburgers!?!" All five wanted hamburgers more than anything else. So we picked up the elated young crew and headed to a new Carl's Jr. for hamburgers!
Kid food and personal attention. I asked them "when was the last time you guys had a hamburger?" They quietly thought and thought ... no one could remember having eaten a real Hamburger and gotten all the soda free ... this was a first time adventure and it was fun to watch! (Expensive it was! $70 plus but worth every $)
"Hey Von, will they have hamburgers in Heaven?" ... "Tonio, I don't know!"
I had planned this occasion for a reason, to get with each boy separately while the others were in Carl's Jr. Kids Play Room. Each boy needed attention badly. Too young to have fighting parents ... Not the time in their lives for father to split and leave them for another woman. Not the time for father to go back into drugs ... one boy with no father lives with his violent and mentally handicapped mother and crippled aunt. Each of these kids need to know God loves them and that we do too ... and we'll stick with them!
Hamburgers and sodas took them away from reality for a few happy hours. I'll assure you, these kids will remember the time of their first hamburger ... a life time memory!
Yes, these boys can use your prayers!
OK ... this is just one of a hundred ways in which we spend your money.
Thanking you!!!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Two weeks ago in Mexicali, a government old folks home burned down killing 17 and injuring 26 of their people. Enter inspectors investigations and bureaucrats. Now all old folks homes in Baja are to be inspected and updated.
The Government gives these inspected old folks homes not money, but two months to comply with Fire Safety or they will be closed down.
Of course these old folks are on the edge of death any way, but laws are laws, regulations are regulations and indeed safety is very important.
Translated: Chuy is suddenly hit with a big bill!
Pastor Chuy let me know of this morning, and with 150 oldsters he's rightly concerned about where he's going to get the money to upgrade the home. It's a package of about $1,500. Quite a challenge.
When I say "worthless" it elicits mixed emotions, these oldsters contribute nothing to society in fact they now depend on society.
God loves each of these old people, although I can't speak for His Children ... we haven't much but we're going to pitch in.
If you want to send some help Chuy's way ... On your check write Pastor Von (Place stick-em note with Pastor Chuy's Old Folks Home.) and mail to:
Pastor Von
1043 Emma Dr.
San Diego CA 92007
Saturday, June 27, 2015
I've been thinking of the Titanic lately. A long ago tragedy. Where everyone aboard thought their ship, the Titanic, was invincible, after all it was the biggest and best ship in the world.
Invincible It wasn't.
The last voyage. The proud Captain wouldn't listen to the warnings of the disaster ahead. He took no corrective action. A fatal indecision! (The Captain ordered the turn to avoid collision 15 seconds before colliding.) Too late.
Lessons we must learn.
No ship is invincible. No Country is invincible! No man is invincible ... sorry Superman!
It ALL went down. They ALL went down. The Captain brought them all down with himself.
The very rich went down with the poor.
The good went down with the bad.
The strong went down with the weak.
The innocent went down with the guilty.
The celebrities went down with the nobodies.
Only a pathetic few were saved.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
I've heard this term since I've been a child. I think I heard it first on radio. This pill, that ointment will quickly bring relief to our symptoms ... headache, sinus congestion, burning, itching, whatever. Ah, "symptomatic-relief."
It seems we in America have become obsessed with relieving our "symptoms". Pharmacies and drug stores continue to add "over-the-counter" medicines so we can deal with "symptoms." Now for cures or solutions we are told to go to the Doctor. To the M.D. to get an RX.
Politicians are elected to deal with social problems by finding solutions or cures ... but politicians, being what they are, would rather deal with easy, cheap and politically correct, "symptoms" than difficult and costly "Solutions." Laws are written and re-written dealing with our social ills. Politicians will consistently kick the problem down the road (A game we kids called "Kick-The-Can".) It seems today no one will dare define the real problems, consequently no solution is offered ... back to "symptomatic relief" from a cheap sugar coated bill.
It's plain to see that Uncle Sam is old and sick. The America that was, has noticeably declined. Biblical influence has declined radically; character and moral ethics have followed resulting in a stinking immoral cesspool of problems. The Church as a whole is diluted and many are deluded.
The symptoms of immorality, anger, hate, violence keep building. Lets face it our "Symptomatic-relief-pills" aren't working any more, and because Christ is the solution, the political price is too high ... much too costly. Christ, God and the Bible form a trinity that is the sure cure, but not politically acceptable ... on to the search for more sugar coated pills to alleviate the ugly pain of our diseased society.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Drugs permeate my world. When my people can't take it anymore, They don't turn to the Lord, they turn to drugs. How I hate Satan and his drugs. Drugs can take a man down so fast. Drugs can change a loving mother to a full on selfish greedy user.
Lupe used to be one of the kids I counted on, he was a dedicated Christian and bilingual. What potential. He was accepted by the street kids which gave me an in to the gangs ... the "malandros" or (wild) feral teens. Those were days I saw a lot, I learned a lot.
Lupe started spending too much time with his friends and he caught the disease himself. He was ashamed to level with me. For months he became the great pretender ... He is still the great pretender believing his own lies.
Since my time with Lupe, I've learned a lot. First fact, you can't trust a user. Mother's, Father's, teens using drugs will do anything and say anything to get your favor and your money. We have an alcoholic mother with three sweet kids, we can't give her money for her kids ... she will use it! With a drug user, and alcohol is a drug, drugs come first, your children come second. She will drink the money up and worry about the kids later.
Years ago, on a cold Christmas Eve, we planned on giving the children of one poor family several nice new warm blankets, before we entered the shack several neighbors took us aside and explained that we had better use caution, Father was a user and would probably sell the blankets to get drugs. He had his three older girls out prostituting for his drug habit. We gave the kids their blankets but we first cut the blankets up so they wouldn't be sale-able. And walked out of their little house of hell. To this day it's a house of hell !
A user lives day and night in a dark hole of guilt and shame controlled by an addictive substance ... the bottle, pills, syringe, spray paint, or glue bag of fumes.. Drugs, Satan's made to order elixir, indeed a high; but a very temporary high followed by a permanent low. Under the influence you happily slip your hands into Satan's hand-cuffs. You are no longer your own.
Friday, June 05, 2015
Hortensia has two gifts, one is easy conversation and the other; a gift for sensing poverty. Yesterday she spotted a family outside the big CaliMax market selling old bananas and tomatoes. They bought them at the big fruit market for a very low price and taxied them to this location to sell. The over ripe items, they sold very cheap, but made very small profit considering paying for the taxi.
She began talking with the mother and father. It seems they had come up to Tijuana from south Mexico to find a better life. Their three children crossed the street to meet Hortensia. Mom and Hortensia continued with the conversation ... it seems the family had put up their little shack on some vacant property along with sixteen other families. We would call it homesteading. This worked O. K for a few weeks. BUT ... the situation got bad.
The owners of the property came and gave them all two days to pack up and leave ... then they put up a barbed wire fence around the property. Everything, everyone, out.
Two big problems, they had no place to go, no relatives in Tijuana also they have to move by taxi ... see the photos.
The next day we would be working in Barrio Invasion. So Hortensia invited the family to join us in the big barrio day, and even helped find them a new location where they will reassemble their shack ... and gave them a little of your money to get them started again. Just another, honestly hurting family.
Father is grateful yet he has his pride, he really doesn't like to be given charity!
We will follow up on them to see how we can help.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
I was on the phone tonight with Hortensia, she was giving me a rundown on the day, when our phone call was interrupted by a family in barrio Pedrigal. "Hortensia, we have no food." Yes, it's been a bad day for this family of six. No food; and in the afternoon they were actually fighting over one egg. One egg. The neighbors told us of the quarreling. Well, they somehow got hold of some rice and a little salt, put it together with the one scrambled egg. A meal for six?
Tonight the call came again, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing ... hence the second call for food from the same family. Dad's out of work, Mom is angry with a hot temper.
All this trouble comes as a consequence of inept parents and their poor decisions. But what about the kids? What do we do about the hungry kids?
It's 8:30pm. Hortensia will grab a cab and take food over to this family, which includes a little two year old girl and her fourteen year old mother ... along with two teen boys.
The poverty right across the border is embarrassing. Like America, Mexico has plenty of potential, and money but it's in the pockets of the corrupt politicians.
Tomorrow I'll take some prized "Luxury" food items across the border to barrio Gardenia ... Foods that are far too expensive for them. Peanut-butter, wienies, turkey-ham, mayonnaise, catchup. Tomorrow we will have a drawing for about forty mothers with these items for prizes. Oh yes, and prizes for many of their eighty kids.
It will be a joyful day because we can help over forty very poor families. They look forward to this HAPPY DAY once a month. Each week we're at one of our four barrios with this Happy Occasion. Thanks for making it possible.
Thanks for your prayers and help.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
These aren't just four knives, they're not knives at all ... you don't peel apples with these. A switch-blade is a small quick and quiet weapon. At different times different kids have given me these stickers because they weren't going to use them anymore. PTL! Each with a story.
One afternoon I was in the city and on a little rather isolated hill there were three partially burned out houses. A handful of street kids using drugs adopted the area and lived in the empty parts of these old houses. I called this area "Campamento Cemento. (Camp Cement) These street kids would be huffing glue in a plastic sack and it sustained a 24/7 mellow high. A high on cheap rubber cement.
I was up there one evening when a kid about sixteen came up to me "Hey, Von, would you check my back, I got hit last night." And he pulled his shirt up. I didn't really know what he meant or what to look for. The boy was pretty well stoned. "What do I look for?" I asked him. "Last night a guy hit me with a blade." I looked around his back and found where he had been stabbed by a switch blade. A little slit in his skin, less than an inch wide. Fortunately the wound didn't go deep enough to tap into his lung. I told him this was serious and that I would take him to the hospital. "No way, he said!" "Well then, I'll bring our doctor up to check it out." "NO! NO DOCTOR!!! You do it!!!" All the kids were standing around watching the show.
I always carry a small tube of antibiotics with me, along with a topical fungicide. So I moved the slit in his skin around until I found the puncture in his muscle, then I squirted the antibiotic cream deep into the hole. I put some cream on the skin slit and that was it. He was stoned but managed to thank me for "fixing him."
Yeah, I hate these switch-blades ... at least these four blades aren't being used any more.
Friday, May 01, 2015
Look! Look!!! There's the harvest! Don't you see it? It's there for the taking ... But, where are the harvesters? They're nowhere to be found. "Pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He might send harvesters." (Matthew 9:38) Indeed, it's 2015 and still the nagging question, where are the harvesters?
Last Sunday, a lady about my age was frustrated, "I can't do anything anymore. I'm getting old" ... My sister you can do plenty by praying for harvesters.
A thin handsome boy about 14 was buzzing around me like a fly ... He looked at me smiling. In my conversation I asked him where his father was, he looked down and shrugged his shoulders ... "I have no father." I asked him about his mom ... same shrug; "I don't know where she is." I hugged him and said "I'll make you my son, OK?" He looked up and smiled again.
Several years ago I was spending Christmas Eve at an orphanage in the mountains outside of Tijuana. Watching the kids dig into their presents ... I asked a black teenage boy sitting silently thinking, "Roberto, if I could give you any gift in the world ... what would you want?" He replied rather quickly ... "I want to meet my father." I found myself in a rather awkward position. I knew what he didn't know, Roberto was found one night as a newborn infant on some beach near Tijuana.
Things like that hurt me and to tell the truth, at times I feel rather lonely ... who else gives a damn and why should I? This painful question nags me ... Excuse the old age pity-party! "Who else gives a damn and why should I?" I could be in Calcutta India, or Haiti or Manila in the Philippines ... and I would echo the same question. Where in the world are these harvesters? ... and where are the prayer warriors praying for harvesters?
I shouldn't feel lonely, many of you do care, you do pray for me and support me. You do care and I'll try my best at being a father or grandpa to these hundreds of kids.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
The secret to how I keep so trim. True it takes a little discipline. In fact on most days I eat only breakfast and lunch, on two days I eat only breakfast. I noted that prisoners of war working many hours a day existed on only one meal a day. Conclusion? We don't need much food. Many thousands of people go to bed hungry night after night, a few nights of hunger hasn't hurt me. So my stomach shrinks a bit, that's O.K.
The secret is a black and white photo; a photo I treasure. A photo I found years ago; the most impacting photo I have ever seen. This photo like none other orients me to reality! For years I've had this photo on my refrigerator and in my bedroom. The more I study it the more impressed I get as to the margin between us haves and the have nots. Indeed I have actually visited places where people exist between a thin line of hope and fat vultures. Places where every day existence competes with death. It's true, there are those places.
I've traveled the world; I've seen and smelled poverty first hand; in Africa, India, Indonesia, Philippines and other countries in South America ... even here in Tijuana. Sights, sounds and smells I find hard to experience again.
This photo is, in part, why I changed my life-style. What others do with their lives is not my business, but pardon me; I'll continue speaking for the poor.
I'm not going to be wise and select only what I consider to be the righteous poor; a true widow and her seven kids, but like Jesus, I will demonstrate grace and compassion by giving to the foolish poor, the deserving poor living out their painful consequences of sin. (Jesus and the adulteress woman, Jn.8:5)
The little child in the photo in a short time went to his true father In heaven, he's joyfully there where there is no hunger ... the buzzard waited patiently, had his meal and flew away full.
I can't afford the luxury of forgetting that photo and the thousands of other hungry children ... born to die hungry.
Second helping? No thanks!
Monday, April 13, 2015
I figured that if I had a Happy blog ... a positive blog ... one that would turn endorphins on ... more people would tend to read my blog. A positive blog! La-La Land stuff. I heard a simple little chorus one time, with two simple words. “Happy, Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy, Joy!” The theme song of La-La Land ... and their resident president, Sponge Bob.
I realize I don't resonate with my La-La Land friends. As far as I know La-La Land isn't open to realist's. And worse yet, I'm not politically correct. The high fence around La-La Land prevents them from seeing the ugly truth of poverty, and their sounds of laughter and singing muffle the cry of the hurting. In the First Church of La-La land they too praise god ... better yet, the money all stays in the bank ... the first federal of La-La Land!
Yep, I'm a realist ... born in a real world in the worst of years (1929). Born dirt poor. Yet I'm not a pessimist, but from what I see and hear it's not easy to become an optimist. It's not a matter of endorphins, it's a simply a matter of truthful reality.
I've traveled the world; I've seen and smelled poverty first hand; in Africa, India, Philippines and other countries in South America. Sights, sounds and smells I find hard to experience again.
As I said, I'm a realist. I know I can't do everything any more than I can be everywhere; however, I can do something somewhere for someone, and my somewhere is Tijuana, a few miles down the road from where I live.
Forgive me for expressing my passion for the poor. They can't speak for themselves so I'll do it for them. Forgive me if my reality offends you.
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Our two worlds are so far apart! Living on the North side of the fence we don't know how hungry they are in rural Tijuana. I thought that this might bring reality into view.
If you think our dollar is shrinking, and it is. In Mexico where ten pesos to the dollar was the going exchange; now it's fifteen pesos to the dollar. Their peso is shrinking even faster than our dollar.
Yesterday Alex and Brandon were sent up to the little store to buy breakfast for the family of six. Mother gave them a few pesos. "Don't go to the close store where the eggs are 4 pesos; go to the one up the hill where the eggs are only 3 pesos each." The boys were to buy three eggs, two wieners and a few tortillas.
Breakfast: Chop the wieners up and add them to the scrambled eggs. Presto! Breakfast for six! For six??
Can you imagine buying one egg at a time, or just one wiener or only three tortillas, but that's quite common among our people. You simply buy what you can afford. Can't stock up as there is no refrigeration.
Thanksgiving for most Americans is eight months away, but for those of us who are aware of our blessings; we must thank the Lord every day for His blessings ... thank you, Lord, for a box of one dozen eggs!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Many of you who have read my blogs and understand the nature of my ministry, realize my small four-wheel drive SUV is essential to the ministry. We go to the needy (they don't come to us.) We work where the needs are. We are, (as in most ministries,) dependent on wheels.
The other day I took my Nissan Xterra (SUV) in to be serviced. Fast. Simple. Inexpensive! Things were fine UNTIL they lifted up the car up and looked underneath at the rear frame, I learned a lot. The mechanic said..."This car was in an accident before you bought it ... and it isn't safe to drive!!!" I went down to look at; he was right ... The 120.000 miles it has are hard miles. Oh boy more expenses ... and now a rental car!!!
I sought counsel from several of my supporters, and with one accord. "Von, change vehicles. Get an SUV that's younger and has less miles." They said that they would like to see me in a more dependable car. Well, I can't argue about that ... although, I'm content to continue with the old one and see who out-lives-who.
Having friends check out SUVs ... it looks as if a Subaru Forrester would do the job. Consumer Reports rate it as the best value.
Now to pay for it I'll need faith and friends; plenty of both. We've scraped together half the cost. (PTL!!!) This will be my last car ... if any of you would like to beat me to my funeral ... I could actually use your flowers now!
Send me an e-mail and I'll tell you how. My e-mail address is
Thursday, March 12, 2015
We'll call him Carlos, I've known Carlos for many years. The other day in Biarro Pedrigal he came to me asking for some money; it seemed his mother had just died and he needed money to buy her some flowers. I said no! Carlos' mother had for several years stayed in an old folks home not more than two miles away. She died there. Not once did Carlos visit his old mother living a short distance away. Not once did he give her a flower or a kiss, but now that she is dead, he was tearfully begging for money to buy her some flowers. Too late Carlos! She's gone. Your love and flowers are simply ... too late.
Why is it when our friend or loved one dies, then we pile on the flowers, tributes and elegant eulogies. Beautiful music, expensive casket! Why?
The honoree is no longer at the service! He left the building! Really.
I don't think it's so much pragmatism as just simple common sense. FACT! I'll appreciate the flowers and tributes only while I'm alive. When I'm gone what's the point?? Why pile on a ton of expensive flowers and a sauce of platitudes piled over a lovely casket ... that contains the one who was, but is no more?
A simple gravestone ... a simple statement, should be sufficient. Prince or pauper death is the final equalizer of the rich or poor.
When I die, no flowers please, or hearse carrying an expensive casket ... put that money where it's really needed by the living poor. While the show of respect may impress the living ... the very object of that show of love and respect ... "has left the building!"
Giving your friends and loved ones their flowers now makes so much more sense than an expensive salute to their memory after they're gone.
Monday, March 09, 2015
Our Barrio Ministry Days are anything but routine, similar maybe, but never routine. There is always laughter and happy-highs but on occasion there is a place for anger and sorrow. I was providing showers for about thirty boys and I noticed a new boy. He was about twelve years old. I noticed something I didn't like; in fact it angered me. Two reddish and swollen lumps on his lower abdomen. His testicles had not descended and now they were swollen and hurting bad. I called for his mother and she came. I asked her if she had ever seen a doctor on this, and she said she had some years back and the doctor said it was okay and in time they would drop! Foolish and ignorant doctors anger me! This boy was hurting and now the special surgery to drop these into his scrotum is going to cost big dollars! Please pray that we can find a good pediatric surgeon in Tijuana. His mother, a widow with three kids, and cleans houses for a living can't afford the cost of a procedure this sophisticated ... and we can't simply say, God bless you and we'll pray for you. We have to do something, and fast.
A photo would tell the story but would not be appropriate.
We stopped in to Sandra's small house. She had asked for a big stroller so she could push her crippled boy around. We visited her and her boy ... Andres. Andres is twenty-four and has the body of a five-year old. I sat on the bed watching him. He was deformed physically and mentally by meningitis when he was a baby. Again, a picture just wouldn't be appropriate. She mentioned he needs a little heater too, as it gets so cold at nights. His father works at the dump and comes home with a little money every weekend. Sandra? Well, she sells old clothes; she lays the cloths on the side of the street in front of her house hoping someone will buy.
We see so many legitimate needs, and SINCERELY, thanks to you, we don't just pass-by.
On the surgery, we'll somehow pray the money in.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Willy was no different than the thousands of other clams along
The Mission Bay shoreline. He was a middle age clam living a rather tranquil life. The only stress he came across in his quiet life, was low tide ... now somehow clams in Mission Bay area know that at low tide danger hovers over the shore line looking for clams and of course Willy was in the line up along with his friends. The fluttering shadows of Seagulls above him made him nervous ... and there is nothing like a nervous clam.
Well, yesterday it became Willy's turn! A sharp eyed Seagull spotted him, and zoomed down catching Willy in his claws. Willy the clam never had an experience like this. Very rare for clams to fly! Up, up, up he went ... and then the Seagull suddenly let go. And now Willy was on his own hurdling down, picking up speed, faster and faster; faster then he had ever gone before. The Seagull following.
Thrilling ride indeed, but it didn't last long. Willy's courage was commendable: didn't scream, (clams rarely do.) He simply tightened his shell for the inevitable ... and he hit the concrete hard. Splat! His small life broke in pieces.
The big seagull stood there eating the best of Willy. Early morning clam cocktail, leaving the shell of what was Willy on the concrete to dry out and be swept away.
Up, Up and away the Seagull flew over to the shoreline again, You guessed it; looking for another Willy.
It's True: Mission Bay, in San Diego, has some intelligent Seagulls. At low tide they find their clam, fly about 70 feet up and over the cement walk-way, then drop the clam. When it hits the concrete it breaks apart and presto! Breakfast!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Changing to small. Von's Ministries may be small, but in our case small is more effective and efficient. Today in my small organization of "three and an SUV" (Note the poetry!), as opposed to my former organization of seventeen paid workers, makes a big dollar difference in both staff, vehicles and other overhead expenses. In our case the difference in being small means those extra dollars go to expanding our reach directly into the homes of the poor and needy. That figures.
Each request our Barrio people make for help, no matter how small an amount, has to be checked out. As the border economy worsens; lying, cheating and scams grow more common. We have to choose what needs are to be met, and that means wisdom.
Each week the three of us work in one of four barrios. Yesterday was barrio Pedrigal: Seventy children and forty adults showed up. The three of us work hard. Rosa and Lino and their two handicapped babys, they are so thankful for their nebulizer. A new lady has a medical need; her little daughter has hepatitis and needs lab work done. By the way, have you ever seen an American kid jump up and down with joy, because he won a dollar? Kids play games, win a dollar, and head to the local store to buy some junk food ... they're hungry! At this time Abraham is undergoing surgery in Mexico city. A lot going on.
Looks like it's going to be raining this weekend in Barrio Ijido and because of the thick mud, Ijido shuts down, but over a dozen families are in need of basic food and drinking water, so I'm sending Lucas with basic food to help them through the five or six days of rain and mud.
With ministry there is always something going on. Thanks for your prayers and part with us.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Moving up from South Mexico doesn't mean conditions will be better. Rosa, her husband Lino and two small daughters moved up from the south and are living with some distant relatives in one of our barrios. Lino's in bed after heart surgery and their two baby girls were born severely handicapped, one is still in the hospital with water in her lungs.
The neighbors mentioned seeing a lone woman wandering the neighborhood late in the night asking for some money for milk. Rosa?
Rosa, heard about us from a neighbor; she approached Hortensia and said; "I heard you help people in need." Rosa, wasn't asking for much, just transportation money to go to the hospital and see her daughter, she also needed money for some tortillas.
Where this will lead? We don't know, how deep in our pockets it will go? We don't know. We just know this is a legitimate need and that's what we are there for. In this case, just a few dollars.
In a few days we will be sending 14 year old Abram and his mother down to Mexico City for the third and hopefully last time. They are going to fit him with a catheter and even though he will
be fitted with a small plastic sack on his leg, he won't be using pampers any more. A trip like this will be well over a thousand dollars ... way more than this poor family can possibly pay.
We want to thank you for your prayers for our safety and wisdom. And a big thanks for those of you who pitch in and provide the dollars to meet these needs. People so close, yet so far away.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Well, a few days ago, I took my faithful little eleven year old, SUV in to get it's 120,000 plus check up. Normally just a day's worth of work, a lot of cash, and on the road again.
My first surprise was that it was in a major accident before I bought it! From then on the news got worse. Front and rear suspension was really messed up by now ... rear suspension is broken. My mechanics comforting words; "Von it's unsafe to drive ... and has been." I looked at the underside and it all made sense. I knew the transmission was not right when I bought it, but they wouldn't make it right. Looks like several thousand dollars ahead ... plus a rental car for about a week. As frustrating as it is, I'm glad it was discovered, and not on the road in Mexico. The agency is going to try and give me a break (Thankful to God.) Times like this we think of upgrading, but that's more $$$s I should be back in Mexico in a week. I'm glad they caught this ... be thankful in all things.
I'm frustrated! I've talked to, and listened to, several of my close friends and they think I should upgrade; as reliability is important at my age. Can't argue with that. Even if we had the money, getting a brand new SUV would fight the very culture I work in, as well as turn off many of my supporters. New is out. Maybe finding an older SUV with low and gentle mileage is the way to go.
"Lord wisdom wanted here."
I'm getting older with few years ahead, maybe I should just settle back into my old 2004 SUV ... and see who ultimately wins the race?
Friday, January 30, 2015
In my early Christian pilgrimage through many very conservative churches, I found myself on the wrong side of right. I was taught and/or caught; that "the more you didn't do the better Christian you were." Key words like testimony, worldly, liberal and modernist gave the Church elders a foundation of No-No's to build on, and like the Pharisees of old, the growing list was permanently fixed to the cross. As Church members we were into "not doing;" we were not to dance, party, play cards, gamble, smoke, drink, use "minced-oaths" …like darn, gosh, dog 'gone, etc. We were not to go to shows; mixed bathing (girls and boys in the same car going to the beach for the day.) was a No-No. Unfortunately I could keep going.
Actually what we didn't do was more important than what we did do. We were actually known for what we didn't do! "That's the Church that doesn't ..."
What we did do, was go to meetings and tithe. I caught on soon that the more meetings I attended during the week determined my spirituality. (Minimum: was three services a week.) Preaching was strong on Old Testament and the Epistles. Biblical it was, yet Biblical it wasn't.
Jesus and His testimony and teaching were very seldom heard from the pulpit ... I noted the book of James didn't have a place in the pulpit. For years I was stuck on the wrong side of right. Thank God, I broke free and found Churches that were Biblically balanced. I found the unheard-of Grace that was there all the time ... and heard the mandate "be doers of the Word."
Unfortunately, I find this also true the world I minister to in Tijuana; it seems that our early Christian missionaries exported that same kind of legalistic religion ... and I find so few that are willing to break out of it.
Remember Jesus greatest enemies were the legalistic ... the Pharisees! The Pharisees of today are no friend of His either.
Friday, January 23, 2015
In our world of families where money is scarce, its hard for us in the U.S. to really understand the money factor ... just how many little things depend on money. As Americans we well understand that a big part of our living depends on money. However when you are very poor ... you actually think before buying a family tooth-brush or flashlight battery or for that matter a light-bulb.
Little things become big when you are poor. We Americans pretty we know there is a need for food. However, expensive Schooling surprises us. Schooling in Tijuana includes transportation, uniforms, shoes, books and projects. Understandably everyday food and schooling form their priorities and take their wages.
That leaves no money for medical emergencies! All emergencies start out with a cost for transportation, and end with a costly prescription. Transportation by bus or cab is expensive! Unfortunately they wait until the last minute to move!
Consequently, a good part of the money you send us is spent on medical emergencies. For instance if your child has asthma or bronchitis, taking him to an emergency clinic or hospital to get a nebulizer treatment; (the transportation $1.70) the treatment runs about $50. (A weeks wage.) In the long run its cheaper to buy a nebulizer and medication.
One of our mothers had to rush her child to the hospital using public transportation (bus and cab) ... and her little boy was vomiting blood! She had to beg some transportation money to get home to her other kids.
I remember one day, taking a mother and her several month old baby to the hospital ... in route the baby died! Dehydrated too long!
These are the people in our backyard, so close yet so far away. Where are our rich churches?
Thursday, January 15, 2015
It's so easy to take blessings for granted; often we forget that blessings come in different sizes and shapes; often at odd times. Gratitude isn't just a word it's an attitude ... a feeling. A good and healthy feeling.
Because our ministry is that of giving, on most occasions we receive a gracious response. Hundreds of people, large and small, show their appreciation for our help. On most occasions it's a smile and gracias, and that's sufficient. The people, even little people show their gratitude.
More than once I caught a "bug" working in Mexico. Now that I'm older these "bugs" are easier to get and harder to shake. My latest was a chest cough; when I start coughing it sounded bad and looked worse. At an orphanage one night I had a coughing attack. Suddenly the kids got a chair, pulled me towards it, and sat me on it, other kids were patting me on the back. Eight pairs of eyes intently looking at my face ... a sudden response, a loving response, from kids who love me. Gratitude in a different form. I can still feel those little pats on my back.
On other occasions, I might add, many occasions, we know we hit the Divine moment of need when we slip a little financial help in the hands of a lady and suddenly there is an emotional breakdown ... a river of tears and a tight hug! Gracias! Gracias!! And the story flows out of how the unknown need was met by our gift. In most cases Hortensia is the one who gets the tears and hugs.
But she's not alone.
I remember late one afternoon driving back from a visit to Ijido, a rather isolated community ... a cold and muddy barrio of poor people living in shacks. As I was driving home, I saw Jose up the road, slowly riding toward me on his muddy bike. I pulled over to say "Hi," and in our short conversation I felt led to slip him a ten dollar bill ... he held it. Looked at it, and looked up at me ... then the tears started flowing and the story followed. He hadn't gotten paid and there was no food in his house. Gracias! Gracias!! Hermano von! Another Divine moment. One in many, many other moments.
These are moments I can't capture by film. I don't take pictures of sacred moments like this. Filming true gratitude is sort of tricky and can look canned.
Forgive me for not taking more time to let you all know how appreciative the poor are for your financial help.
Translated: Kids medical emergencies and prescriptions, transportation to hospital, the times of no-food or no drinking water, no school shoes or books, leaking roofs, etc.
Thank you so much.
Thursday, January 08, 2015
He's about seventeen now. Ugly. Terribly burned and crippled. This is Internet, so I won't use his name or photo (I have in the past).
When he was a little tot sitting in the car his father was working on, his father carelessly threw a lighted cigarette in the front seat where there was an open can of gas ... the gas ignited and spilled over the seat and over the little boy.
Badly burned, he was flown by helicopter to Shriners Hospital in the U.S in critical condition. Almost died. Years of painful medical visits to the U.S have helped Improve his physical condition.
Thank-you Shriners!
He contacted Hortensia yesterday. Wanted to talk. It seems his father was beating and kicking his mother (He often does this). and the boy could take it no longer, he hit his father ... at school he had to become a pretty good fighter as he was always ridiculed. The fight ended with His father forcing him out of the house ... "your useless, ugly and just another mouth to feed ... Leave!"
He's staying with his grandmother in her small house. That isn't working out. He wants a job, a place to stay.
Can you imagine the life this kid's lived? Think you have it bad? The other siblings have to watch their mother get beaten regularly.
"Hortensia I can work. I can sweep the floor and clean things ... I've cleaned bathrooms before, I'm willing to work!"
Hortensia gave him a few dollars and said "Come Wednesday morning and see Pastor von ... we'll see what we can do" ... Try and sleep with that on your mind.
Too often issues like this come up. Each one unique. Each one takes the wisdom of Solomon ... and often his pocket book. Now what would Jesus do? What should a Christian do? What can von do?
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