Friday, May 01, 2015


Look! Look!!! There's the harvest! Don't you see it? It's there for the taking ... But, where are the harvesters? They're nowhere to be found. "Pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He might send harvesters." (Matthew 9:38) Indeed, it's 2015 and still the nagging question, where are the harvesters?

Last Sunday, a lady about my age was frustrated, "I can't do anything anymore. I'm getting old" ... My sister you can do plenty by praying for harvesters.

A thin handsome boy about 14 was buzzing around me like a fly ... He looked at me smiling. In my conversation I asked him where his father was, he looked down and shrugged his shoulders ... "I have no father." I asked him about his mom ... same shrug; "I don't know where she is." I hugged him and said "I'll make you my son, OK?" He looked up and smiled again.

Several years ago I was spending Christmas Eve at an orphanage in the mountains outside of Tijuana. Watching the kids dig into their presents ... I asked a black teenage boy sitting silently thinking, "Roberto, if I could give you any gift in the world ... what would you want?" He replied rather quickly ... "I want to meet my father." I found myself in a rather awkward position. I knew what he didn't know, Roberto was found one night as a newborn infant on some beach near Tijuana.

Things like that hurt me and to tell the truth, at times I feel rather lonely ... who else gives a damn and why should I? This painful question nags me ... Excuse the old age pity-party! "Who else gives a damn and why should I?" I could be in Calcutta India, or Haiti or Manila in the Philippines ... and I would echo the same question. Where in the world are these harvesters? ... and where are the prayer warriors praying for harvesters?

I shouldn't feel lonely, many of you do care, you do pray for me and support me. You do care and I'll try my best at being a father or grandpa to these hundreds of kids.