Monday, July 18, 2016


When we come into this world, we come in unique in every way from temperament to physical abilities to whatever. Some things are natural to us, where many things we have to learn. All of us come in selfish, look at our first words. No. Me. Mine. Give me! No normal child has to be taught to be selfish. It's in him. It comes with the package.

But am I wrong when I say no child enters the world grateful. Thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation have to be learned. And in order to be learned they have to be taught, and taught at an early age when their mind is a sponge for learning..

Selfishness and self-centeredness are like gravity. Always with us, and always pulling DOWN! That's why "an attitude of gratitude" has to be developed, learned and constantly reinforced. Gratitude makes for happiness.

To form the attitude of gratitude takes a lifetime.

I'm surprised at how many kids aren't thankful! I'm surprised at how many do not appreciate what they have or who they are or ... who's they are.

Many parents don't understand why their kids don't respect them and appreciate them. (Some parents are so dumb!) Kid's have to be taught to respect their parents.

Go to several old folks homes, as I have, sit with an old lady, bring up the subject of their children ... and soon there will be tears. "My son lives near here, but he never comes to visit me ... maybe on Christmas. My daughter and my grandchildren live a short distance away ... but they never visit me!" Tears. Mama you never taught them to love and respect you! Here's a Kleenx.

Rest assured the flowers along with thankfulness, will kick in ... at your funeral.

Teach your kids to be grateful!