Sunday, April 27, 2014


Risk is for the young. The older I get, the more I shy away from risk. Back then, I used to do a lot of risky things as Youth Director, our camps were always a lot of fun when mixed with a little risk and in Mexico was no exception. We had a lot of fun, but risk was involved. Risk was like a spice! I was young! I was naive.

In the past half century I grew to accept risk as part of my life. The thin strata of society in which I work is a high risk strata! The poorest of poor; dirtiest of the dirty. In these many years I'm afraid I have grown calloused to the dangers in my working environment. Ministry to the deserving poor ... the poor that deserve their plight.

At 85 I'm becoming more aware of just what "could" happen. I've always been a prime candidate for kidnapping. In driving Mexico, if I hit a child, or anyone for that matter, I go to prison! In a car crash, if anyone is injured or killed I go to prison. If a group of young "malandros" or young thugs beats me and takes my money designated for the poor; that's the way it is. If I'm accused by one person of a moral violation, I go to prison. If the cops want me, all they have to do is plant some drugs in my vehicle and then arrest me. If my arrest will gain someone money, I'll be arrested.

Anyone who thinks there is justice in Mexico is a fool ... in the government, as in the judicial system, only money matters. Mercy? No way!

The only way I can account for fifty years Ministering in Mexico with no problems; and thousands of Tijuana miles with not one major accident. It has to be God's provision!

Thanks to the many of you who lift me up in prayer. Indeed the safest place you can be, is in God's hands. I continue to solicit your prayers as I finish out my course. Thanks.