Friday, May 02, 2014


Many of you followed the story of little Maribel who lives in Laguna. Her plight was brought to our attention! Maribel had a deteriorating heart condition. No energy, lips and fingernails had a blue tint. Maribel's mother carried her to school and back on her own back. With Social Security Insurance from her father's factory job she was going to get a critical heart do over; her heart was just to small for her. The date was set for surgery. We asked for prayer.

Then her father lost his job and was unable to continue paying her monthly Social Security bill. Without Social Security a surgery like that would cost thousands of dollars. So our only option was gamble on it and continue paying the monthly S. S. cost hoping the surgery would be soon.

The months passed and the hospital postponed Maribel's surgery dates for one reason or other ... still we kept her Social Security going, paying almost $100 per month.

Finally Maribel got her operation and what a success it was! She's a different girl now! Energy, normal color. But the hospital was to give her follow-up care and later another surgery, so we kept up our monthly payments. Month after month.

Surprise! Last week Maribel's mother came to us and expressed the family's gratitude for all we had done. They now have a healthy daughter.

Surprise! Maribel's mother told us that got a factory job, and now is able to pay their own monthly Social Security Health Insurance.

They could have kept quiet and taken our monthly money as additional

Income. But they had gratitude, and dignity and were honest. A real reward!

We are grateful to have had a part in saving another little kids life. (Yes, there have been others!) Thanks to each of you who were a part in helping little Maribel. They're on their own now!