Do you ever think about sameness? Is it something we want to be, or is it something we just become? Do you ever get tired of "sameness" Even God seems to fight it, everything and each thing He makes, is divinely unique. Not so with man; ... Manufactured in Detroit or 'made in China' building millions of identical parts and products, that's man.
Sameness? Not just our people boxes ... sterile condos and apartment styles; people, like so many penguins, driving their SUV's and filling the Malls with a colorful variety of sameness. It seems everywhere there is social sameness, cosmetic sameness, entertainment sameness creating a fog of human sterility.
We've created a politically correct society where we've been encouraged to become one of millions of brainless and 'opinion-less' lemmings, content to follow the south end of the lemming in front of us, hoping the lemming he's following is going the right direction.
Unfortunately the bottom of the cliff brings us to an abrupt but short lasting reality.
Whether we become the waddling penguin or committed lemming, we're content to be, well, the same as everyone else.
Different could be dangerous.
Funny, within our sameness we dare to try and be unique in a sort of subtle safe way. I have a Nisson like a million others, but mine is white like thousands of others but WOW!!! ... my seat covers, now they are different! And look at my bumper stickers! My suit may look like anyone else's, but WOW! ... look at my tie, and here, check my socks out! Oh Oh, my teeth are a bit crooked, better get to an orthodontist quick; so I can look like everyone else.
Most of us strive to be comfortably common and content to located somewhere in the middle. I guess that's not wrong, it's ... normal.
While some of us just don't fit the common mold; not that we really try to be different, but that we simply are unique and quite comfortable with being that way. A refreshingly different person!
Is it a talent? Is it a gift? Is it genetic?
Many things could be said about my father Wolo; a puppeteer, artist, book writer, actor, entertainer, "Mr. San Francisco," but most of all he was a totally unique person. All that knew him would agree. He looked different, dressed different, thought different, spoke different even had a different name; yet somehow he fit into the society of sameness, and even more, was loved by society. In part because he was uniquely fresh. Indeed my father was different!
On rare occasions I'll pause to study myself, and I have to come out with the same observation ... the same conclusion; I'm a totally unique person like my father. I don't know why; I don't consciously try to be different, but maybe, just maybe, I'm different because my father was Wolo. The one and only, Wolo